After returning to Chopper Base, Ezra was present for a briefing where Hondo shared his information about an Imperial salvage yard called Reklam Station, which resided in the atmosphere of the planet Yarma, and that thousands of decommissioned Old Republic Y-Wing Starfighters were being dismantled there. One of the only known force-sensitives to wield a purple blade, The Indigo Assassin was a young, but respected mercenary, who used both sides of the force to overpower anything, and anyone in his way. We will each be challenged. Ezra later tried to connect with the Krykna through the Force but found himself unable to do so, forcing him and the crew to fight their way through the creatures. They went anyway to Vizago and Ezra was able to convince him into helping them after revealing Kanan's Jedi identity, as well as his own. It's at this point the Ezra realises that he has the whole Jedi Order hostage "the first thing would be to an end the rules against being a sentient being, aka the no attachments and emotions rules. However, Ezra and Kanan could still see through the Force. They eventually found the Sith holocron inside a deep chamber inhabited by Krykna. He eventually constructed a new green-bladed Lightsaber, this time with a traditional design. During the meeting, Ezra asked how many pilots survived and remarked that at this rate there would no pilots flying for the Rebellion. As they fled into a narrower part of the canyon, Sabine used grenades to block Saxon and his men. Ezra tried to pull his head out of her grip, but her grip only tightened. While the warrior was assumed to be Zeb, the child was assumed to be Ezra, who commented that the Ashla sounded like the Force, which according to Kanan had many names. However, the troopers were given orders to execute Ryder, but before matters got worse the Ghost showed up flew out of nowhere and a brief skirmish broke out. The Jedi and the Republic never fell, Anakin didn't fall and Palpatine in dead. I wonder why. A bitter voice in Ezras head replied. When Ezra asked his master what he did with it, the older Jedi told him that it was safe. Kanan Jarrus (born Caleb Dume) was a Jedi Knight and the Rebel leader of the Ghost crew. All Rights Reserved. A noose restricted his airways, gradually tightening with the purpose of strangulation ; Ezra hoped itd kill him. Sabezra Journeying deep into the temple alone, Ezra came across many illusions that showed his fear of losing Kanan, his friends and being abandoned but following his training he is able to face his fears and make a stand as an illusion of The Grand Inquisitor prepared to kill him. Since his blinding, Kanan had become very detached, distancing himself from both his friends and the Force. As planned, Ezra gave the device to Chopper, who then passed it Sabine and Zeb so that they could transmit the coordinates of the kyber crystal to Kanan and Hera, who managed to intercept and destroy the Imperial convoy transporting it. Joined by Chopper, the group of four took the Phantom II to Krownest, Sabine's ancestral home, with Ezra being surprised by how nervous Sabine was about returning home. Marcus Pike Includes many pranks, family fluff, dark stories and even karaoke. and distributed by 20th Century Fox. However, the two rebels managed to hold on to their rope and were pulled aboard the Ghost by Kanan. Ezra sided with Hondo when the pirate insisted on loading his treasure but Zeb was unwilling to back down. And then there's her close friend Wedge. Later, Ezra and his fellow rebels returned to Ryloth to deliver supplies to Cham. In order to find it, the galaxy's spirit, the "Ashla", prophecised that "the child" must first save "the warrior" and "the fool". The station's Commander, Brom Titus, who Ezra had encountered earlier, reactivated the conveyor and engaged the magnetic locks on the Y-Wings; preventing the bombers from getting airborne. On the way, they were attacked by the Seventh Sister and her ID9 Seeker Droids. At the time, Ezra was upset because Kanan was no longer going to train him and instead dump him onto Luminara. He did, however, help Maul to recover a Sith Holocron, which allowed the Sith to locate his long-time nemesis, Obi-Wan Kenobi. Anakin took Ezra under his wing treat him li. | is an unofficial fan site and not affiliated with The Walt Disney Company. Exiting the building into the view of an AT-DP, the Ugnaught was struck dead by a blast from the walker's cannon. But circumstances force her to flee with Maul, who's all too happy to convince her new apprentice that returning to the rebellion is impossible. Despite driving off the Inquisitors, Kanan and Ahsoka were distrustful of Maul. However, Kalani refused to accept victory on the grounds that the dilapidated state of his droid forces had prevented a fair fight. After Kallus used the station port to transmit Kanan's signal to Ryder, the rebels learned that Ryder was launching a diversionary attack on the east gate. For the mission, Ezra disguised himself as a Scout Trooper. Unlike most Jedi, she wasn't immediately killed during Order 66 but arrested. But now there is a new force user wants to use ezra's force abilities or else his friends will die. Dark Ezra Bridger - Works | Archive of Our Own When she was young, she was told about amazing stories of creatures living in the stars, and some folks said that is the Purrgil that inspired them to jump into hyperspace from system to system. While the rest of the crew were heading to their cabins to ensure everything was switched off to save every little bit of fuel, Hera confided with Ezra about her prejudices towards the Purrgil in private. This encouragement helped the Lasat to overcome his guilt and participate in the ritual, where it was revealed that he was the child. Chopper also freed Ezra and Sabine from their restraints. While Kanan guided the clones in their AT-TE, Ezra used the walker's main cannon to destroy one of the AT-ATs with one blast to the neck. Before they could return to the cargo bay, they ran into the Sentry Droid. But we must persevere. Running on fumes, the rebels arrived at the asteroid belt of where the Guild's Gas Refinery was, but due to the field scrambling their sensors finding the facility would not be easy. Already the rebels were feeling the cold of space, but then Ezra began to hear strange sirens that he described sounded sad. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. At the request of Senator Bail Organa and Rebel Command, Ezra, his fellow crew members and Rex undertook a mission to find the rebel leader Saw Gerrera, who had disappeared while investigating the apparent disappearance of the Geonosians. In the meantime, Ezra and his companions took the opportunity to fly aboard the Phantom, then rescued Ahsoka from an Imperial patrol and fled into hyperspace. Sabine managed to escape with Ezra's help. Star Wars Rebels - Wikipedia A fairy tale in space, and in every fairy tale there is a young knight who rescues the princess and gets her as the two fall in love during the dashing rescue. After the rebels lost contact with the Protectors on Concord Dawn's Third Moon, Hera assigned Ezra and Chopper to escort Sabine and Rau, on a recon probe of the moon. Almost immediately, Ezra was approached by two more Stormtroopers and stunned them with his lightsaber-blaster, but when he spotted a disguised Chopper laughing at him about the two shots, he quickly realized that he had knocked out his own master and Captain Rex, who were sent by Hera to rescue him, Sato, and Sato's crew. When Hondo arrived with the Ugnaughts, the pirate told Ezra that he would guard the Imperial landing craft there in case they needed a quick escape. However, the rebels' walker encountered two AT-AT walkers, that had been sent to counter Ryder's attack. Realizing that Rex was a Clone Trooper, Kalani was determined to finish the Clone Wars as a victory for the Separatist Droid Army. After a heavy landing, the two Jedi and Sabine were confronted by the warriors, with Ezra deflecting a blaster bolt back at an Imperial Super Commando despite Sabine's warning. Sakurablossem3 and ChaoticEpicCat In the weeks which follow, he retreats into himself, determined to uncover the secrets of the holocron - but in his search for a new weapon, he risks losing a bit of himself in the process. Who is Ezra Bridger and what happened to him in 'Star Wars: Rebels' Ezra objected to Saw's plan to take Klik-Klak off-world on the Phantom II and his electrocution of the Geonosian with an electro-shock device. Ezra managed to escape from his prison and using an Imperial helmet's transmitter, was able to listen in on where the Wookiee prisoners were actually being taken and heard the Rebels had come back for him. As captain of the Honor Guard, he was responsible for protecting the royal family and all the Last. However, while exploring the brig, Ezra and Chopper found Vizago, who revealed the truth about Hondo's takeover, locked inside one of the cells and freed him before confronting the Weequay on the bridge. Remember Me Chapter 1, a star wars rebels fanfic | FanFiction As he puts his bike near the side of his tower, he takes the elevator up and walks into his 'room'. "Ryder's planning on turning all imperial officers over to Rebel Command as soon as possible. Their search, though, attracted the attention of Jenkes himself, who sent his Stormtroopers to attack them, but Ezra and Bossk managed to slip away again, and they went to Wallaway's pawn shop, where they saw from afar as Jenkes shot Wallaway and took his money. Its evident that showrunner Jon Favreau and executive producer Dave Filoni are gearing up for the big surprise of Ezra Bridger, Thrawn, and potentially more Rebels characters like Sabine Wren making their live-action appearance (finally! Rex agreed and ordered Ezra to carry out the task while he and Kanan provided covering fire. In the course of an hour, Ezra took the Trandoshan to his tower and tended to his wounds, before the bounty hunter woke up, "disguised" himself as a blind Trandoshan and almost immediately prompted the boy into leading him to a posting agency at the spaceport. With the crawler under their command, the rebels learned that Mon Mothma had approved an assault on Lothal. As Sabine flew the Phantom, Ezra, Kanan and Zeb commandeered one of the AT-ATs and used it to damage Kallus' walker, which trapped the clones' walker. Kanan was hoping that while at this abandoned base he could teach Ezra to connect with another being and use the creatures that inhabited the base to attack the Imperials but Ezra felt too scared, not because of the creatures, it was learning the truth of what actually happened to his parents. When word came out on the HoloNet that Jedi Master Luminara Unduli was being imprisoned in a penitentiary on Stygeon Prime known as the Spire, Ezra accompanied the Rebels in a mission to rescue her. Chopper became separated from the group along the way due to pursuing a replacement leg and ended up commandeering an Imperial cargo ship in his efforts to reach the crew. When Saw threatened to shoot the Geonosian queen egg, Ezra countered that doing so would help the Empire to exterminate the Geonosians. But then, Ezra dissapears and at the same time, a new inquisi A bunch of different family one-shots of the Ghost crew. Ezra continued to improve on his combat style after this, capable of performing acrobatic leaps and attacks. After receiving a distress call from Mart, Ezra and the other rebels joined forces to rescue Mart. Later, Ezra remained on board the Ghost with its Twi'lek captain Hera Syndulla while the Rebels revealed they had a new mission to rescue Wookiee prisoners being sent to a slave labor camp on a Imperial transport ship. Well never be separated, again, floating through nature with an inner peace. Spotting a gap in the Imperial fleet, Ezra and Kanan took the chance to flee into hyperspace and exit above Lothal, landing the Phantom in Capital City. Inside the walker, Ezra tried to convince the Clone commanders to join their fight against the Empire. Leia, however, motivated the crew by saying how they could get them, and a plan to get all three ships began to form. The two were then attacked by Darth Sidious through one of the portals, barely managing to escape his reach. Feeling lost without his mentor, Ezra had little time to grieve, as the Loth-Wolves returned accompanied by a massive specimen named Dume. Following the disappearance of a rebel patrol in the Del Zennis system, Hera suggested to Commander Jun Sato that Ezra's Jedi powers would be of help to the mission, so they have Ezra accompany Sato on a mission to find the lost patrol. Eventually, they manage to get the ship to face away from the black hole, but it is still steadily drawing them in, and the ship isn't strong enough to stop it. Ahsoka added that they were seeking knowledge that would help them to defeat the Inquisitors' Sith masters. Once aboard, they were greeted by the Theelin crew member Gooti Terez and her human comrade Jonner Jin. He began learning Telekinesis under Kanan and first used the Force Push against Kallus to save Zeb. The two look at Anakin as the Holocron closes and returns to the bench. Simular to Yoda, Qui-Gon, and Anakin, Ezra favored the aggressive and offensive lightsaber Form IV, Ataru. Ezra also came to trust Maul after the Force-wielder used his Force powers to levitate him to safety after he had jumped down from the altar. Without any training, the young Jedi was able to extend the airtime of speeders in flight, persuade authorities to look away from his misdeeds, and understand the feelings of animals. Rudor, not liking being outsmarted by a kid, attempted to kill Ezra with his fighter's lasers. The Imperials Super Commandos also captured Chopper and the Phantom II. Fenn later arrived at the camp with supplies and outfitted Sabine with Mandalorian Vambraces. When Agent Kallus arrived, Ezra used the Force to hurl Kallus and his men against the wall. It was companionship that largely helped the young Jedi to stay ahead, and without any back up and face to face with one of his greatest enemies there is a real chance Ezra is nowhere near the man he used to be. Sabine responded that she was once a real cadet while Hera added that Ezra was too well known to the Empire. With reinforcements bound to show up, the crew began the return trip back to theGhost. ), leading into the upcoming Ahsoka series. Morad noted that Ezra had grown and complimented the young rebel for making his parents proud. Kanan then hurried his Padawan, who was about to make a snide remark about his master when he suddenly spotted one of the statues moving. In response, Ezra and Rex headed to the command tower to override the locks. An unbeatable Bounty Hunter, he was the mysterious oddity that anyone would pay anything if it meant he worked for them, and them alone. He arrived to find the place lying in burning rubble and the citizens were no doubt in Imperial custody. star wars rebels fanfiction ezra blind instead of kanan When Ezra noticed that Azmorigan had disappeared, Hondo was unconcerned since he wanted to keep a greater share of the treasure. In terms of personality, Ezra's rough upbringing taught him not to trust others, let alone help them. While exiting the apartment block, Ezra commented that the child was welcome to visit them on Garel, unknowingly letting this comment gets picked up by the Sister's seeker droid. The Padawan asked Yoda whether he had the power to destroy Vader and the Inquisitors, the Grand Master related how the Jedi Order's eagerness to participate in the Clone Wars brought about its demise. Over the next couple of days, Ezra found it hard to keep the focus on his training since the boy was worried about missing the latest hope-bringing transmissions similar to those his parents made broadcasted by the exiled Senator Gall Trayvis, who spoke out against the Empire. Ezra demanded they get out of their way, but Hondo managed to convince the workers to assist the rebels in stealing the Y-Wings in exchange for their freedom. Chopper then entered the cell to inform them of Cham's offer to surrender. With training from illustrious Jedi like Ahsoka Tano, notorious space-pirate Hondo Ohnaka, and even the mad Sith Darth Maul, Ezra had several lifetimes of training thrust on him between the ages of 14 and 19. Heading to the Archeon Nebula, the group encountered an Imperial Light Cruiser and a ship that Ezra recognized with dread: the prototype of the TIE Defender, piloted by Vult Skerris. Together with the Purrgil herd, Ezra came to his fellow rebels' rescue from the Mining Guild and their leader, Yushyn, covering them by using his lightsaber to destroy the TIE fighters while riding the Purrgil King. Though he has become more active on the battlefield and front line, Ezra has shown a preference not to kill, as seen in "Stealth Strike", when he escapes his Stormtrooper escort and destroys their blasters while making good on his promise not to hurt them. The rebels continued on to the exit but Terba broke away from the company and ran ahead. Wil Ezra Bridger apprenticed to Jedi Knight Kanan Jarrus, takes an unusual interest in the former Sith Lord: Maul. After besting Kanan in the duel, Sabine broke down and wept. bungalows for sale beeston; golden . Even if the Rebels come back for him, it might be too late. When Sabine loses her memory, Ezra's world turns upside down. Hoping to make the galaxy a better place for him, his parents set up public broadcasting transmissions meant to speak out against the Empire's tyrannical rule, but their small rebellion would cost them their lives. When Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, and Kanan awoke due to a still awake and handcuffed Hera breaking free and getting them up, they proceeded with their mission in commandeering the carrier, as well stop Cham from destroying it. He took the opportunity to lecture her that discipline and training, not tricks would keep her alive in the long run. "I'm used to seeing ancient ones, cowardly Jedi's pulled from their hideaways, but you you're a Padawan, a child I haven't seen one of you in a long, long time.". Later, when Kanan asked to speak with Ursa again, Ezra decried her alliance with the Empire, citing Sabine's praise of their family's traditions. Hondo had promised to supply the rebels with valuable intelligence in return for his rescue. He soon regrouped with them and escaped with his knowledge on the Wookiees. Ezra and Kanan stormed the com station with their lightsabers and blasters and managed to stun the station crew. However, Hera was accosted by Slavin and Thrawn, with the latter wanting to question her. Work Search: Ezra was present on Atollon when General Jan Dodonna's fleet arrived to join in the assault on Lothal, only for Thrawn's Seventh Fleet to appear on its heels. He was proven correct when two Mining Guild TIE Fighters came closing in. Along with Zeb and Chopper, Ezra and Kanan traveled on the Phantom to the settlement of Hammertown on Takobo. Upon arriving at the black market spaceport Nixus Hub 218, the two discovered that the buyer was Azmorigan, who was expecting Vizago instead and had them loaded into a loading dolly with the intention of firing them into space. He Finds Princess Leia And Discovers That She Was Ezra and Hera Start Dating After Sabine Rejects Ezra And Begin A Secret Relationship. Upon arrival, Ezra spotted smoke coming from Tarkintown and took off on a speeder bike to check it out, with Kanan following from afar. He doesn't expect to take the child in either. There, they visit Ezra's old home only to discover that the Empire had razed it to the ground. During the briefing, Ezra reassured his fellow rebels, Bail, and Sato that they had given the Geonosians another chance to survive. However, the visitors turned out to be a group of Mandalorian Imperial Super Commandos led by the Imperial Viceroy of Mandalore, Gar Saxon. The Rebels chased him through the streets to the road that led out of the city as he attempted to evade his pursuers. In a moment of anger, Ezra told his master that he did not need the Holocron or him. Instead, she got Chopper to plant explosives all over the building to create a distraction; something that surprised Ezra. Shortly later, Ezra and his fellow rebels were attacked by several Rodian Mining Guild guards. It takes her a few moments to register what he just said, but when she does, she weakly asks, "We're safe?" While Sato protested that they were members of the Corporate Alliance, Titus was not fooled and quickly recognized them both and informed Agent Kallus of his catch. Kanan then asked the Clones whether he knew about any abandoned bases and facilities that the Rebel network could use. Ezra, eyes now opened to Saw's lack of ethics, took them with him, Sabine, and Chopper as the Ghost arrived to pick them up. Despite Ahsoka's warnings, Ezra touched one of the monoliths, causing the Jedi to slide into an underground cavern. During the brief skirmish, Ezra and Kanan managed to use their lightsabers to topple an AT-DP walker. Ezra passed his Force-related feelings as strange skills. Later, Ezra joined the other Ghost Crew and Cham's rebels aboard the Ghost in Ryloth's wilderness. Star Wars Rebels Characters + Histories In Star Wars Rebels, Maul's Influence Showed Ezra Bridger the Dark Side The Padawan's time with the former Sith, while potentially dangerous, would ultimately lead him to a better path. Fortunately, Hera arrived aboard the Ghost to provide support, and the Loth-Wolves joined the battle and brought about a decisive victory. Unable to escape off-world or establish communications with the rest of his group, Ezra called on his master for help through the Force. The Rebels get away, but after a twist of events, Ezra gets captured. In a manner of minutes, the Phantom is gone. Evading the seeker droid and the Inquisitors, the Jedi rendezvoused with Zeb in an apartment room, but Ezra's presence unsettled the child since he could sense the teenager's fear, thus alerting the Inquistors of their presence. While Kanan was outraged that his apprentice had shot him, Rex laughed it off. Returning to Atollon, Ezra and Kanan traveled on to the lair of the Bendu, which lay in an outcrop of mesas. As a result, Ezra learned that Obi-Wan held the key to destroying the Sith while Maul learned that Obi-Wan was located on a dessert planet with twin suns. Rex refused, stating that his life as a soldier was over. Maul revealed that he had come to Atollon to retrieve the remaining message of his vision from Ezra's mind. Shortly later, Sato's CR90 corvette was pulled out of hyperspace by an Imperial Interdictor, a prototype warship equipped with four gravity well projectors. After Ezra and Zeb dispatched two Stormtroopers, he signaled for Chopper to join them. Ezra's Life Continues Facing off with Skerris, the two managed to disable him using Gold Leader's Ion Cannon, and emerged from the nebula to find the Ghost at the mercy of two Star Destroyers. ", Groaning in pain, Sabine returns to consciousness. I asked, not entirely serious. When he awoke in his and Zeb's room, Ezra insisted that he was fine and insisted on proceeding with the mission despite Hera and Kanan's worries. Maul then demanded that the two Jedi hand him the Sith holocron and Kanan Jarrus' holocron in return for the safety of their friends. This coincided with the appearance of an Imperial fleet above the city which had come to crush the rebel presence there. The rebels soon discovered that the source of the energy reading was Klik-Klak's Nest, which hosted a transmitter and a workshop. However, their coordinates to the mysterious rebel led a supply run atFort Anaxes, a remote asteroid base once used by the Grand Army of the Republic during the Clone Wars, where Fulcrum had already fled and thePhantombroke down in a gas leak Ezra and Zeb forgot to fix, leaving both girls under attack by a pack of Fyrnocks that infested the area. Despite running on fumes and having their power supply dangerously low, both Ezra and his master still managed to take out both fighters. Taking a seat in one of the chairs, Ezra seats Sabine on his lap and holds her close, raising a force barrier over the ship with all his strength. Will they find their team mate? It's okay; nothing can hurt you now. After infiltrating Reklam Station, the rebels encountered several Ugnaught laborers. She told Ezra and Kanan that Senator Organa heard about their losses on Garel and sent reinforcements to the rebellion on three Hammerhead corvettes captained by his adoptive daughter, Leia. However, Yoda could see much anger and fear within him, which helped Ezra realize his true reason to become a Jedi, to protect not only his friends but everyone in the galaxy. Ezra opened fired on the TIEs with the Ghost's laser cannons. While Sabine was training to wield the Darksaber, he patiently taught her lightsaber strokes. Puzzled on what kind of trouble the Rodian was in, Ezra headed back to his tower to think about it until he heard his parents' voices calling out to him through the Force and realized what the only place he could find Tseebo was: his shuttered family home. Throughout his childhood, Ezra would occasionally trigger "strange abilities", which allowed him to see into the future. The Brother prepared to kill him, but the Sister stopped him and convinced him to use him as a bait to capture the others. Ezra was sorely tempted, but accepted his parents' loss and used his powers to destroy the temple. Maul convinced the Jedi and Ahsoka to join forces to bring the holocron to the top of the temple to access this knowledge and to fight Darth Vader, who had been alerted by the Inquisitors to the presence of the Jedi and Maul. Ahsoka, however, was unable to join them and was trapped inside the temple with Vader. Yoda became concerned by his reason because what he was seeking was vengeance, which Ezra denied. During the skirmish, Tseebo briefly regained his senses, and Ezra learned from him that he tried to save his parents but was too afraid to try. When Hera didn't return and Kanan suggested to use the Ghost to transport the supplies, an alarmed Ezra advised against it, knowing that it would make the Ghost an easy target for the Empire. Ezra, time and again, found opportunity to prove himself to his comrades. Ezra and Chopper pursued the Geonosian through the labyrinth but were unable to keep up with him. The rebels then escaped into hyperspace shortly after Grand Admiral Thrawn arrived on the Chimaera. When Ezra saw the fractured planet of Concord Dawn for the first time, he asked Rau what happened to the planet. "What if I was huh? Their ensuing daring escape goes wrong, leaving Ezra in the hands of the Empire all alone. So I had decided to do this a while back, bu Sequel to Once safely aboard the Ghost, the rebels examined their cargo and discovered that Melch had stowed aboard Hondo's treasure chest. Unhappy with Ezra's fraternization with Hondo, Hera assigned Zeb leadership of the recovery team. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Judging Sabine's skills to be wanting, Kanan instructed Sabine to practice with Ezra. When Maul returned, the two opened the holocrons and brought them together. Involvement with the rebellion forced Ezra to face the harsh realities of war, and over the years bury many friends, including Ahsoka Tano and his master, Kanan. Their destination turned out to be the former Mandalorian asteroid colony, Vizsla Keep 09. When Hera was approaching him, he pulled the trigger but found out Hera didn't trust him and didn't load the blaster. The problem is Maul might actually be right. Unfortunately, the three rebels learned that the Black Sun syndicate had also found the droid useful, and were cornered by the Black Sun agent assigned for the opposing mission, who happened to be the symbol's owner: Ketsu Onyo, a former classmate of Sabine at the Imperial Academy on Mandalore who had fallen out with Sabine, and is now working for the Sun to collect EG-86. Some time later, after a Star Destroyer flew over Capital City, Ezra traveled there on his speeder and witnessed three rebels, consisting of Kanan Jarrus, Zeb Orrelios, and Sabine Wren, attack a group of Imperials in an attempt to steal several speeders carryingcrates. Web. Im used to seeing ancient ones, cowardly Jedis pulled from their hideaways, but you youre a Padawan, a child I havent seen one of you in a long, long time. The Toy Maker mused.
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