He appeared on a rock rising from the sea, immediately chilled to the bone by the wind and spray. When he felt Voldemorts approach with a prisoner, he began to prepare his magic. The Bone Man was covered in scars. The Dark Lord ran a fingertip over both wrists. Im afraid owls cannot find me here.//, I will tell him. Ill be fine. Albus Dumbledore looked around at the faces turned toward him. The Boy-Who-Lived. He had not known Hadrian was coming to Hogwarts, but he found himself looking forward to it, especially when he heard about the boys test scores. He wondered just how powerful this new man was. //Thank you. If it all worked out, it would make a great birthday present for his arwr. Isnt it magnificent? So hes Lord Black now? gasped Molly Weasley. What is your name, my boy? Albus needed to know who he was. Hadrian used nickel because it was the least reactive metal, and therefore the least likely to be rejected by the body while he was working. Armed with the Infinity gauntlet and its gems, he sets out across the Marvel universe, kicking names and taking ass. "Harry could almost pretend he was any other kid, sitting in here with his mates as they did their homework. Hadrian Black was the only wizard possibly more powerful than the Dark Lord, and Albuss plans were not likely to end well. Filter By. Upon meeting Thea once again, he made her a single promise: as long as she was with him, she would have the entire world in the palm of her hands. Is it the same as what you did to Dolohov? he asked. He approached me through Lucius a month ago about an alliance. It was early evening, and the Muggle residents had not yet retired. Rabastan Lestrange looked appraising at the red-headed twins in the sitting room. It was not invasive or painful. He held the infant creature close, tenderly kissing its brow before conjuring a blade of gold and killing it quickly. I believe Lord Voldemort would like his trusted follower back in one piece.// Lucius frowned. Voldemort vanished the bowl and knives. I told her when I asked her to join the ritual. Its hollow right now. He needed to get a look at that wand! The twins laughed uproariously, and he could feel Rabastans body shake as he chuckled. Show my Lord your wrists, dihiryn.//. I simply keep it all hidden. I had thought it was because he was hidden behind strong wards, but owls could find Sirius here even when we didnt know about it., Yes indeed, Miss Granger, which does bring me to another bit of information Im afraid we didnt want to hear. Im better now without a wand than most wizards ever are with one. They will be interested to know that I am in the process of acquiring another set of twins. Lord Potter. I was lucky the one on the train had studied the prophecy. The Fidelius Charm will break on August first, and if they dont leave, the wards will throw them out.. Mine used to be a very pale blue, Voldemort informed his son. Shoulder blades are good, or I can wrap it around any large bone., I like the constellation idea, Draco answered. Inform me when you have completed the wand, I wish to see you test it.//, //Thank you, my Lord, I will let you know. Normally the entire Inner Circle ate breakfast together, but for Hadrians birthday, only his friends had come. I bless you. You promised, you said it was in his will!, I know, Mr. Weasley. 2 FanfictionBot 6 yr. ago Circular Reasoning by Swimdraconian Torn from a desolate future, Harry awakens in his teenage body with a hefty debt on his soul. Occaisonally during the summer of the World Cup, before I went to stay with you guys. There is no reason for you to know anything about my wand other than that it works perfectly. He rose, looking at the secretly fuming Headmaster with a slight sneer of disdain. He knows Im powerful but he doesnt know how powerful, and theres nothing to connect me to Harry Potter or the Bone Man. Harry had to do something with his time in the summer after the war, especially since he couldn't sleep. Perhaps he could convince the boy to turn against his evil parents and support the Light instead. Not for the world, not for his family, but just to see if he can. Hadrian grinned at the blond and shut his jaw with gentle fingers. The Best of the Best Dark Harry Potter Stories | FanFiction It was dying slowly. AU: Tom and Harry are in Wool's Orphanage at the same time. Stuck with abusive relatives and struggling to hide her freak abilities, she spends her days locked in a cupboard, tracing the words on her left wrist. Understand?. Even when they had been rivals, the other boy had never lied to him. Draco was reminded again of the lingering presence Hadrian had in his mind and how it made him feel warm and comforted. Hisparticular skills will serve us well in the coming war.. Bone. I will give you no answers. He said that twins had a special form soul, one that wanted to be joined and mixed, that allowed it. There is no way to protect the soul from a Dementors Kiss, and the Patronus will do nothing against a man. By the age of seven, Harry Potter hated his home, his relatives and his life. This way, his son pointed. Theres too much to say. He could feel them all put up Occlumency shields as he swept them aside like cobwebs and gently wrapped up each of their minds. Quickly, he pulled it into his core, converting it to pure magic. Judging by the number of blank, distracted faces around the table, Hadrian was carrying on several private conversations at once with members of the Inner Circle, while speak with Voldemort about his new wand. Can the rest of you leave, please? Potter, only fifteen years old, had more power and specialized knowledge than he, the Dark Lord Voldemort, could ever hope to. He always wore it outside warded rooms in the Manor, in case one of the lower-ranking passed by. Gave him part of my magic so he could have a voice. Lord Black left a letter for me at Gringotts, which the goblins gave me, though I have not read it. Ill write to you this time. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, YOU MONSTERS! the purple man shouted. I plan to celebrate my sixteenth birthday by throwing any remaining Order member out of my house in London. 41K 1.2K 38. Every Dementor on earth will follow me with no hestitation.//. Dark magic, Death Eaters, politics - and in the middle of it all, Harry Potter. Friends who cared for him, mother and father-like figures and people to teach him things, but it was not all it seemed. Including his twin brother, Julian Potter, the savior of the Wizarding world. Harry returns from the maze with no memory of the new scar on his arm. Singularly unique fic. What color are you thinking? Rabastan piped up, eager to distract Hadrian. //I have glamoured my scar and changed my eyes. Why did you choose these? He turns his head and Cedric is lying next to him, already sitting up. When he started listening to Hadrian and Draco again, they were talking about meeting with Dumbledore. They were his greatest secret! I am Dark, and I will always be Dark. by Hadrius Theocharis Peverell 7.8K 391 17 Harry and Ginny land in a world where they meet a five year old Harry, they rescue him from the Dursley's and raise him. The exceptions, he noted, were Lord Voldemort and Lucius, both of whom had felt him before and eagerly welcomed him back into their mindscapes. They reminded him of a bunch of puppies, climbing over each other just to be petted a little by their master. In a world where Harry Potter decided not to go to Hogwarts, he became the dark lord at the age of 14. I could help you train some, if you want.//. The Dark Lord gave her a sharp look. Rodolphus, fetch your brother and send him to my study. Nervousness and shame and the slightest hint of rage seeped from his mind. He flicked his wrist and the bones piled themselves beside her head, skull grinning emptily on top of the mound. //However, tell your Lord that I ama bit of a specialist with souls. //The runes are carved onto the surface of the bone, and then I seal them with Dementor blood and a little black magic spell I created. He had known the interrogation was coming sooner or later. Dont ask any questions yet, he warned, shucking his shirt. Itll just put you under for five minutes, but its enough. Thick layers of cross-hatched scars attested to years of beatings with deep gouges caused by the buckle of a belt. He gives me a week to see if I die. When Hagrid brought me back from Diagon Alley, my Uncle Vernon greeted me by cutting my throat and throwing me in the cupboard. The Dark Heir by Jessiikaa15 reviews. He was his Queen and M what if.. He was young, young enough to still be in school. No one has seen, so my true appearance can be my disguise. Am I correct in assuming that you are the new student? He gestured to the chairs. An idea struck Hadrian. Time to give them all a shock, he thought as he let his mental presence seep into the room and over their minds. Voldemort paced his private sitting room at Malfoy Manor. //You dont know?// The Dark Lord shook his head, cocking an eyebrow. Your loyalty, yes, but not your regard.. I wont give you the Dark Mark and you can have full control of the Dementors. After this date, the wards will forcibly remove you and break the Fidelius Charm. Colin Evan Potter and Harry James Potter. Love, let the boys get on the train already!. He tries to learn everything thing about this treacherous and marvelous world.He settles into Hogwarts with ease. Voldemort was glad to have Hadrian. Of course. With a quick flick of the wrist, he locked the doors and warded the room. Seventy years ago, a boy who would become a dark lord was born at the end of new year's eve. The Bone Man wishes to meet him.. Lucius sat. I regret that I had to treat him the way I did. Congratulations, you just found Harry Potter. Whenwhen Sirius died, he named me his heir. Part one of the Dark Prince Series. And Hermiones when she realized the library was locked!. They never fight after the first time either. Rabastans were also sealed with a Dementors life, but Ive done others with animals. I cant say that he has, Hadrian, Malfoy drawled. Did you ever think how lonely I was, shut away in my cupboard by a family that hated me, no one to hear me cry? Hadrian groaned as someone opened all the curtains at once, letting the morning light flood into the room. If the blood ties were cut, he could truly start a new life as Gallus Hadrian Black. Not at you, my son, never at you, he promised, at the Muggles who did this and Albus for keeping you prisoner there. He took his sons face gently between his hands. What?! Youll see! I can show through them. Ah, I know, and I dont even need a wand for this. George spoke first, wiping tears from his eyes. Wandlessly, Hadrian unlocked the door and the King took his leave. Under his hood, Harry grinned. What do you do with the soul? Curiosity and amazement were drifting in waves through the Dark Lords mind. It scared him a little. As soon as the door to the breakfast room was shut and warded, Hadrian was tackled by a lot of red hair. And what it takes to keep him. Now they could finally speak freely. Harry stared down at his bleeding hand, the words "I must not tell lies" dripping down his skin in blood-red liquid. I hope to see him at the specified date. You told me that you would never step foot in there again., //Ah, dihiryn, I told you Harry Potter would never step foot in Hogwarts again. HOW TO BECOME A WIZARD LIKE HARRY POTTER? I couldnt act the way I wanted to in Gryffindor, but Dumbledore forced the Sorting Hat to place me there. I have never seen one like it before., Nor will you ever again, was the boys quick reply.
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