Mother of Sarah and Amina Said calls Yaser Said 'the devil' after a Dallas jury found him guilty. One on one? I happen to be one of those deluded people youre so freely attempting to insult. Were suppose to ignore the actual forensic evidence and forensic opinions because we were told that a cop overheard her claiming she confessed? Arrest mother as accomplice in Texas honor killing | Fox News He was happy. 2}Wo).hf}~g={g::y]peb78R,;>59_'cuB F4QyU&9G=#0 I most definitely will not personally afford Patricia a platform, Michael said in an email to She had her chance to answer my questions and tell her story in court over 20 years ago. Remembering Patricia Cole, former copy editor at NPR : NPR "Most of the community feels bad for the child To see that in the United States bugs me. MY STATE OF MIND is based on factual information. So would judge and jury say. This article seems to have a great many errors and omissions, more by design, I fancy, than a need to tell the story objectively. How about the mix up with the hair and the fact that it was not forensically tested (outside of the one man who compared the hairs through naked eye). Shame on your for defending a vicious killer. . Her sister stated shed had a religious obsession since she was a child. They also presented an email from the girls to one of their teachers prior to the murder saying they feared their father would kill them. They are a joke. The prosecution alleged that after the murder, Patricia drove Joanns car to McCartys parking lot and backed it into a parking space. neither her nor there couldnt be linked to her. For goodness sake, it was never proved at her trial she used the gun the police so steadfastly offered as evidence or for that matter, ANY OTHER GUN. Jealousy was the motive. After a very early failed marriage, the 24-year-old Joann scored a new husband in Andrew Katrinak, 38, whom she met at a club. And when Patricia was taken into custody where they removed 39 hairs with root, and then all of a sudden after the FBI report say that the hair tested had NO ROOT ATTACHED, the hair tested had a root? (Disclaimer: Im not a big fan of eyewitnesses who come forward years after the fact, but its possible). "Please do the right thing for Melissa.". Go watch the Reasonable Doubt episode from last night Patricia did it. I believe in Patricias innocence and she deserves to be freed, at last! Through that testing, the elderly patient was confirmed to be the same woman locally known in Pittsburgh as a street preacher called The Sparrow who vanished and left her family flummoxed. And even prosecutor Michael McIntyre, who wrote the book Hair Trigger about the case, acknowledged to Keith Morrison that it was a little odd that the police found blood on the hairs in Joanns car but nowhere else in the vehicle. Patricia McCloskey, who menaced the marching crowd with her finger on the trigger of a handgun, pleaded guilty to misdemeanor harassment and was ordered to pay a Its an opinion learnt from a well-researched book, from documentaries which show and mention a great deal of facts and evidence which was never brought up at her trial. Andy passed not one but two polygraph tests and had a solid alibi. Said's defense attorney said he will be filing a notice to appeal. Its true that women were more idiots than about men, they had the impression that if they caught a fool to take them as wives, they would settle for life, even today we see that but more diluted, still an exaggerated reason for murder. I wonder, did they ever perform a DNA test on the baby, to verify paternity? Owens said because of what Said did, she will never get to see her daughters grow up. I dont think so. They were able to match 5 hairs all the same micro DNA which happened to match the DNA pulled from blood samples Pat gave. Phone records confirmed Patricia placed the earlier call from North Carolina, not Pennsylvania. I guess the investigators in Pennsylvania managed a quick resolve to a huge case that had a nations eyes scrutinizing their every move! Bully for you if youve read a lot and seen a lot: its meaningless to other posters and adds nothing to your argument for innocence. For this week, I looked into the defenders reasoning as well as Patricias whereabouts today. Her brother Larrys false confession was all the LAPD needed to put Patricia behind bars. Are you even aware theres a strong suspicion that evidence of the hair, which was DNA matched to her, was tampered with? Rorrer killed these two people in cold blood and the jury got it right! Susan Wright is out of prison after killing her husband in TX. No way for 4 months, that deceased baby would still be resting across the mothers chest. And finally, your supercilious comment about Speculative lies Ive perused my previous comments and at no point do I see those words! If they were unable to get a DNA reading the first time, why the need for a second examination? No way they laid there for 4 months!!!! I thought the same. Wheres the evidence that Patty was obsessed with Andy? I want to know why no one has answered this question: if there was no root found on the hair clutched in Joanns hand how was the lab able to produce all those results that could not have been found without roots??? Patricias professional life included short-lived gigs as a Century 21 real estate agent and an Oldsmobile salesperson. Some two years into the investigation of Rorrer, a court order was obtained to remove hair specimens from her. Cops under pressure will lie to close a case. Perhaps youre not aware, there was a great deal of evidence of which these documentaries made no mention, as well as misdeeds and incidents of corruption perpetrated by the cops. What has that to do with the point youre trying to make? And this was never disclosed to Rorrers Defence. There are judges, eminent lawyers and writers who are in support of her. FBI agents watched them deliver grocery bags to the house and then followed them to a shopping center in Southlake where they dumped trash from the home, prosecutors said. I dont understand Partricias defenders pointing to Andrew with the dyed blond hair found at the car and murder scene. Patricia complied fully with the original investigation of the crime and wasnt a suspect because none of the blood or fingerprints found at the crime scene matched hers. She has always denied this allegation and says that both she and Lawrence Slaughter are innocent. Just one example. "As horrible as Ms. Jenkins death was, it should stand for something," Marsicovetere said. Special prosecutor Patricia Brown Holmes said, even though her side didn't win any convictions, the case still helped make police more accountable. Let me ask youWhy do most of those who post adverse and hateful comments feel the need to? Omg so well put! The difference was made by the investigation, Interpol has some good detectives who do not play with peoples freedom and who do not use American techniques such as pictures, lets compare hair color after pictures bullshit, not even with the performance of todays cameras such a thing is not allowed, the issue of dismantling the alibi only with indirect evidence, like that her name was not in the notebook, a European court would withdrew it immediately, you cant go with a thing like this, its called inconclusive proof, even the fact that one of the witnesses said that the business was not opened where she said it was that day, its inconclusive, the accused can say that he/she forgot, was there and left, and his alibi I dont know how it was verified, but what should been verified first were the contacts between him and her, if he contacted her before that, if she had been contacted from public phone for example before the murder, how many times, when etc, if he was near the places where she was until the murder, things like that. Patricias phone bill showed no record of a call to Catasauqua that day, but police noticed she didnt make any calls at all from her house in North Carolina that day either suggesting she could have been out of state and used a pay phone to dial up the Katrinaks. She has no means to reply or rebut this outrageous slurs and these forums are the only way I know where people may become aware of the wrongful conviction of innocent person and equally, those who happily believe all the adverse and damaging comments. The fact that there was a broken fingernail with skin attached to it found on her clothingand wasnt Patricias. Until next time, cheers. True, Andrew would have no way to acquire and plant Patricias blond hair there because it wasnt that color when she knew him. I expect she will admit it one day. He said she did own a firearm, with its serial numbers filed off. Did Patricia ever take a lie detector test? The state police dropped him as a suspect. On Aug. 31, 2011, at 11 a.m., Wrights family, the Action Committee for Women in Prison, and the FACTS community and supporters gathered in front of Gov. They depict scenes which are pure speculation or exaggeration or present scenes, which in fact were only theories mentioned at her trial. Lawyers pleaded their cases in closing arguments to 12 jurors and three alternates for nearly two hours Tuesday morning. Patricia Lynne Rorrer made for a good suspect. She would also have no heart when it comes to children, not even her own. But it doesnt make a nonsense of her being the shooter, regardless of their speculation. We lived close to one another. All 3 of her alibis were lies, DNA tied her to the murder, there was no sexual assault, she had a violent past, was obsessed with Andy, and was caught lying about owning a gun, which coincidentally jammed after firing once and shell cases were found on her property. She should have been treated exactly the way she treated that mother and baby, taken out into the woods, shot, beaten and then left to die. Stevie J Further to my previous comment, I should add the following. He would be alive today if it were not for Patricia Rorrer. The mild-mannered Sarah died in 2019 at the age of 83. Patricia Kopta eventually developed dementia, police said. Discuss and express opinion; stop short of asserting that those of the other view (that of judge and jury, at least) are ignorant of facts and wrong, and youre right, because by definition its reasonable for lay people to accept the jury verdict. This article is little more than fiction. 8/9/2022 Yaser Said was convicted of capital murder Tuesday in the 2008 fatal shootings of his two teenage daughters, 18-year-old Amina Said and 17-year-old Sarah Said. Just one example. Another inaccuracy in this is, they state the jury took SIX HOURS to return a verdict, when in fact it took less than TWO HOURS. Yaser Said's ex-wife Patricia Owens gives victim statement after guilty verdict Mother of Sarah and Amina Said calls Yaser Said 'the devil' after a Dallas jury found him guilty. Your assertion that most people cant distinguish reality from crackpot nonsense is in fact nonsense the reality is that most people are easily fooled by these biased documentaries who then feel its okay to spout their tripe as if its the gospel. Mal told Keith Morrison that Patricias dance teacher originally confirmed her alibi that she was in class on the day of the murder, then changed his mind. How would an intruder find it? Said tried to blame the FBI for not searching for an unknown person, he said, was the real killer. Its definitely getting rougher every day, Andrew told the Morning Call. And the fact that Patricia called Andrew even after he married someone else didnt mean she was still carrying a torch for him, according to one of her friends. I just watched Reasonable Dont on this case. Three days later, Joann had plans to pick up her mother-in-law, Veronica Katrinak, to go Christmas shopping. "This is the 13th case solved after the creation of the cold case task force," said El Dorado County District Attorney Vern Pierson. Does it actually have to be an obligatory duty for anyone to be present at a trial before they are able to have an opinion? (A good point. Stop. 3 Chicago officers acquitted of covering up for colleague who shot You know the answer to that, the same as I do, which is. Said Not normal folks obsessed ones do. I would bet MONEY that the first baby born to Patricia didnt die of SIDS. Liesbeth Powers/The Irving Police Chief Jeff Spivey hailed authorities for pursuing justice in the case for more than a decade. Saphira Wolf forgive me, but I dont have the time, or wish, to respond to idiotic comments. His defenders claimed that the confession was coerced, the video was grainy/unclear or doctored and the witness was confused and/or unreliable. Patrica Owens, Yaser Said's ex-wife, testified before the jury Thursday morning and said why she fled her home with her daughters only to return days before they were She will be in jail for the rest of her life and rightly so. That poor child and that poor woman. I accept there are a couple of remarks which can be seen that way but they are in direct response to those whove been offensive in the first place. I was told they wanted to convict Lawrence Slaughter and not my sister.. They depict scenes which are pure speculation or exaggeration or present scenes, which in fact were only theories mentioned at her trial. Catherine Im in complete agreement with you! That, as well as measurements of the babys head (revealing the infant to be of a more advanced age) very much suggest they were killed some considerable time after what was believed at her trial. Now retired, he declined ForensicFilesNow.coms invitation to spar directly with Patricia via a podcast. For more on the Katrinak murder case, you can watch Autopsy Six: A Fatal Attraction for free on YouTube. Joanne didnt go missing until December 15, an entire week and a day later. If you want to help her tell her to ask God for forgiveness. You say by definition! Its barely visible in the picture. Dont even think about arguing with me until they DNA test that hair and the broken fingernail found on her body; Ill just laugh at you. Whatever the truth is. ST. JOHNSBURY A three-year nightmare for the loved ones of Melissa Jenkins is one step closer to ending. Did you personally attend the trial? Despite the new evidence and hypotheses, the courts have rejected all of Patricias bids for a new trial. One of the hairs had magically developed root material to enable that. Amina two bullets in the heart.". The Innocence Project has declined to take her case. But none of those charges ever stuck. Puny policy. According to a Morning Call account from March 5, 1998: McIntyre leaned forward conspiratorially like someone trying to persuade another to tell a secret, lowered his voice and said: Heres what I want to know: After you killed Joann Katrinak, did you kill that baby or just leave it to die?. The men harbored Yaser Said inside an apartment in Bedford, according to court documents, and he was nearly captured after a maintenance worker spotted him in August 2017. What they reported to us is that she came into their care in 1999 where she was found in need, in the streets in Puerto Rico, where she had been wandering around. At 17, Patricia dropped out of high school and married landscaper Gary Gabard. The phone wire was located at the opposite end of the basement, which was dark. Strands of the accuseds dyed-blond hair at two crime scenes proved it. A correction to the comment above. During the trial, the prosecutor said that the insurance reward would have been $180,000, which was totally exaggerated, said Arletta Wright, Patricias sister, who has been championing Patricias innocence from the beginning of Patricias time in prison. Prosecutor pounds away. "There is nothing I or anyone can say to make what you've been put through any easier," Patricia Prue said. Its sad that some people just cant move on and continue to feel that what they want is going to be THEIRS regardless. Shock, Gloria Smith, the sister of the lost-and-found woman, said at the press conference. Finally, another irony you fail to appreciate: you claim theres money to be made from the commercials added into their show.
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