There 2) If not yet condemned, do they Contact Us! from our parish who attended one of his events. from our parish who attended one of his events. Angel Names not in Scripture / Naming Your Guardian Angel, !? by his small company Theotokos Books, which is in Britain. According to the traditional Douay-Rheims bible, the Roman Catholic Church has taught the number is symbolic, not literal. Also, riffed her 'Seal of God' from the condemned mystic Christian Gallagher of Achill Ireland, a fake sacramental attempting to set aside the protective graces of Confirmation. "Luz de Maria" de Bonilla, Argentina (c.1990 to present day), !? watch this presentation next wednesday at 7:00 a.m. eastern, only right here on "morning joe." you're watching "morning joe." we'll be right back. Christina Gallagher: Prophecies - Jesus & Maria Site hearing new things in each others church. The charity opened to 'all religions'. Like Like Nothing delusional 9.46. just absolutely solid undeniable facts. !? You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Marian Apparitions - Queen of Peace - Christina Gallagher Basically, anyone who knows this but continues to spread her messages puts them in serious danger of official schism / deprivation of the Sacraments. Disobedience to the Church is a sure sign of a fake mystic. Mother wanted her to open these house of prayers around the United Prophecies include influences from the heretical 'Brother John of the Cleft Rock'. Basically, the same error Luther fell into, he believed he was given the grace to reinterpret what the Bible really meant and led many souls astray. Damage was done. Contains failed prophecy due to a misreading of the St. Malachy prophecies, also, apparently gave the first recorded mention of an 'Illumination of Conscience' event - sign of a suspect prophecy. 17. The False Claim that a Medjugorje visionary approved of Christina's visions, The Rant of Fr. I spent literally weeks doing research about him, but could (*) LITERAL INTERPRETATIONS of the 1000 YEARS RIGN in the Book of the APOCALYPSE: literal interpretations of the number 1000 have been declared heretical, and this includes any attempt to interpret the Age of Peace as lasting a literal 1,000 years. call them angels. We double check everything and your comment on will be taken to He has threatened legal action against Network 5 International if they publish an article of a defamatory nature which would injure Gallaghers reputation, "court proceedings will be issued against you, in the USA or UK as is deemed appropriate." THOLOPHRE (THEOLOPHIS / THEOPHILUS / (16th Century) - Misattributed. Promotes a Masonic New Age ideal of the Age of Peace. I see what you mean. What is the source of these false messages? Since that time, additional houses have been opened in the United States and Mexico. This visions seem to distract from the traditional rosary as if teay won't give the promise of helping the unborn, etc. The original text was actually taken from an anti-Catholic sermon against the Jesuit Order by the Protestant archbishop of Dublin, George Brown, infamous for burning the crozier of St. Patrick. The House of Prayer is a limited company trading as Our Lady Queen of Peace House of Prayer (Achill) Ltd, created by an Irish woman, Christina Gallagher, in 1993. eyes as they don't want you to see what's really going on there, hand signals, This document cites statements and directives by the Yugoslav bishops Note: the English version is a bit awkward in places. Celebration of the sacraments and reservation of the Blessed Sacrament at the House of Prayer are not permitted. (*) APPARITIONS of GARABANDAL (1961-1965) - the most current statement from the local bishop dating from 1993 confirms the apparitions as 'Non-Constat' meaning not enough proof they came from Heaven. Look Christina Gallagher up on a search engine. ---condemned by the Church as 'Not Supernatural', visions teach doctrinal errors, contains failed prophecies, visions demand belief, cult of fear created about threats of 'abandonment' if people refuse these particular messages, therefore cult around the mystic created. Network 5 responded by asking that the legal action begin right away. Medjugorje apparition claims are divisive, bishop warns. I hope it will convince at least (*) JULIE WHEDBEE 'DAUGHTER OF THE KING' (2000 to present day): --- messages show this is from a Christian of a 'born again' denomination that has 'hijacked' Catholic prophecies. tLHandle += "_Hover"; Terzonis de Legonissa. But Maria Hughes has said her mother, a 78-year-old former nurse, has been a devout follower of Gallagher for around 20 years and it has caused the rest of the family considerable heartache. Approval Archbishop Michael Neary of Tuam has insisted the centre does not have Church approval. evidence this might be a pseudo prophecy attributed to him, the prophecy is in a book later condemned by the Church, also contains a failed prophecy and other details it is fake. Literal interpretations are usually found in gnostic heretical documents, also those who expand on the condemned heresies of Chiliasm and Millenarianism. However, they have so far failed to do so. I know it can't be easy to read a lot of skeptical material about something Says the Antichrist will lead Christ's Church-impossible. all, a Catholic parish, and people can go there to attend Mass or for 18. Oops, too late for anyone living today to get the so-called seal! ) OCarroll said that Father McGinnity (SD of Christina Gallagher) was a very dear friend of his. Obviously, not credible. What is forbidden is making pilgrimages: that is, going there on the 1310? Specific (*) BL. (*) DENIS ESTRADA and the 'DEUTEROUS MEDAL' (c. 1992):---message that contradicts the Church's teaching on the Second Coming of Christ -- visionary claims Heaven gave her the design for a medal so we could 'recognise' Christ who will be hiding on earth when He comes / returns, which contradicts the Gospel the Christ will appear visibly in glory from the Heavens with the angels. Wish Phil Kronzer happy truth-hunting in England. He was burned at the stake in 1307. We make safe shipping arrangements for your convenience from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. //--> Year Approved Event Mr. yes Mr. Filippi Emily OCF Sr. Dr. Johnson Lenten Mission . 'Bishop Christianos of Ageda' (Agreda) (1172-1204), !? Posted on Christ said the gates of Hell shall never prevail, so it cannot and will not be totally destroyed in earth until Christ comes at the Second Coming and only the Church Triumphant will exist. (*) POPE LEO VI (914- 928 AD) --Misattribution, actually by Leo 'The Philosopher' above. Furthermore, to spread the messages about her 'visions' as 'authentic' is officially declared an act of disobedience to the point of breaking unity with the Catholic Faith. (*) EDSON GLAUBER, ITAPIRANGA APPARITIONS, BRAZIL (1994 to present day) While he does not charge "Diocesan efforts to integrate this work ended in July, 1998 when it was closed by Mrs. Gallagher. The Birch Tree / Rhineland Prophecies of Germany. Many well-meaning people have never He said that he and Father McGinnity had met on several occasions and spent a great deal of time together in Medjugorje beginning around 1984. Do you know the Church's position on either of these people, The finances of the organisation were highlighted by the recent purchase of a building in New York for $2.2m, which officially opened yesterday. Since the Covid pandemic hit Gallagher has been ramping up claims that Jesus has been warning her of the coming apocalypse and how supporting the House of Prayer was the only way to salvation. Peters said he was not convinced of the authenticity Our Ladys frantic tone. Father Escorted then into a small waiting room were he began to speak at length about Vassula, Christina, Bishop Hnilica, Theresa Lopez, Father Gerald McGinnity, Cardinal Ratzinger, and the Holy Father. Marie Martel / APPARITIONS OF TILLY (1896 c. early 1900s), Marcelle Lanchon (Sr. Marie France) (1891-1933) / OUR LADY QUEEN OF FRANCE, APPARITIONS OF HEEDE, Germany (1937-1945), (????) Until we can recognize that Jesus is in each and everyone we meet, how can we recognize Christ present in the Blessed Eucharist, and present in the world, living among us?. (*) ST. ANGELUS (ANGEL) OF JERUSALEM (1185- c. 1222 ?) The Archbishop has recognised his approval was null and void and made a statement in May 2016 declaring his former approval null and void and has disbanded any further investigation into the apparitions. they do charge for herbs, and at Euro prices in Brazil it adds up to a It will be interesting to hear the Vaticans statement once they review this film footage. Obviously not real. Fake mystics can be spotted when they attempt literal interpretations of the 1,000 years and apply it to the Age of Peace, or even the New Heaven and the New Earth. The bishop was at first in support of her. (*) PEDRO REGIS,. Latest accounts filed by the Irish House of Prayer revealed the company has reserves of 1.8m - an increase of more than 300,000 on the previous year. (*) THOMAS MARTIN, "MARTIN OF GALLARDON" (1783-1834) - French peasant hoaxer who claimed to have visions of St. Raphael, the archangel disguising himself in a frock coat and top hat. She contradicts revelations given by true mystics about real herbal remedies. entity is Dom Incio, after whom the centre is named Casa (*) ST. BERNADETTE of LOURDES - '1879 LETTER to POPE LEO XIII' -- 20th century forgery. so that I might be able to assist these parishioners from being As well as selling the pictures, the House of Prayer has made significant amounts over the years from followers who leave them large sums in their wills and from people who donate money while still alive. Sinai the 4th century. leaders. Trademarked items show this is a cult of exclusivity, real sacramentals are not trademarked if they are meant for the universal church, unless the visionaries are purposely doing this to rake in money, and the visions do ask for money. receive a healing myself for a chronic condition. location.href = mail_str; Anyone needing clarification, especially Both bishops have also said Fr. What they found is that Christina Gallagher lives thirty miles away from the former House of Prayer in a seven bedroom mansion with ten foot walls all around the property. Could be the demons speaking through the fake mystics and giving out their names, etc. Statement Regarding the Public Announcement by Mrs. Christina Gallagher Christina Gallagher Mother Marie Josepha of Bourg (1788-1862), ?? } TOP More information on the right teaching here. Disclaimer, Frequently While she no longer travels to the House of Prayer in Achill, her devotion to Christina is more intense and it guides how she lives her life. home in Leander, Texas which was initiated by a visionary, Christina Misattributed - Rembold is not a Blessed, nor was he a monk. Maria said if there is a solution it has to start with the Catholic Church condemning the House of Prayer. tCHandle += "_Hover"; [3] us he's a trafficker of spirits or a necromancer. (*) The 'NUN of LYELBE' (c. 1823-1829) ----another fake text, apparently a spin-off of the 'Nursing Nun of Belley / Bellay'. I have therefore removed this apparition from the Timeline. She claims that she can read peoples souls, 12. Caesarius of Heisterbach (c. 1180 c. 1240), !? The Houses quickly built up a considerable following and income from voluntary donations became substantial. Nothing has been brought to my attention to indicate that I should change from this position in the future. Father OCarroll said he never met Gallagher but that he knew she was authentic because of what Fr. and Marriage situations. "You will see the storms, disasters and weather extremes drawn down upon the world through sin, increase in number and multiply in their intensity, with earthquakes which cause great loss of life.". (*) 'CAPUCHIN FRIAR' PROPHECY (1776?) It's something family and friends find hard to believe. "This has always been the dilemma my family and I have faced. There is no basis in historical fact St. Malachy made a 'black pope' prophecy. The Network 5 crew located Fr. (*) SR. MARY EPHREM NEUZIL ' OUR LADY OF AMERICA' (1956-1959): (*) WILLIAM KAMM (also WILLIAM COSTELLIA) 'LITTLE PEBBLE'- (1950 to present day): (*) APPARITIONS of GARABANDAL (1961-1965). The Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecies Christina Gallagher has quit. For centuries, this was an EXCOMMUNICATION OFFENSE hence this is one of the signs the Church judges by even today to see if they have a fake mystic on their hands. people bleeding, etc. ---message that contradicts the Church's teaching on the Second Coming of Christ -- visionary claims Heaven gave her the design for a medal so we could 'recognise' Christ who will be hiding on earth when He comes / returns, which contradicts the Gospel the Christ will appear visibly in glory from the Heavens with the angels. 1310? (*) 'GIORGIO (GEORGE) VARENS' (1533)-- fake / hoax prophecy against the 'secret sects', aka the Freemasons, created with a name change. (*) MARIE JOSSEAUME BERGADIUE 'BERGUILLE' (1873- c. 1875):--'stigmatic mystic' with fake miracles, her main prophecy concerning who would be the Angelic Pontiff proved completely false and she was condemned by the Church. (*) 'BISHOP CHRISTIANOS of AGEDA' (AGREDA) - (1172-1204 AD) -18th Century English Protestant hoax, possibly an 'April Fool's' forgery published as a 'sequel prank' in response to another April Fool's hoax. Thanks for being candid. is christina gallagher approved by the catholic church The original text was actually taken from an anti-Catholic sermon against the Jesuit Order by the Protestant archbishop of Dublin, George Brown, infamous for burning the crozier of St. Patrick. She has saved the island from dying. he has a criminal record and there have been several mysterious or violent Neither, for reasons given above, does such work enjoy the confidence of the Diocesan authorities. There is an element of credibility to his 'Birch Tree Prophecies', this was just misattributed. Read more and view the list of local recipient organizations here. from every person who goes there via these travel leaders. tLHandle += "_Hover"; Bernardo Martinez / APPARITIONS OF CUAPA, NICARAGUA (1980-), ?? According to the traditional Douay-Rheims bible, the Roman Catholic Church has taught the number is symbolic, not literal. group leaders in other words, this is how they make their living. Veronica Lueken - "Bayside Apparitions" (1970s-1990s), !? Whether intended or not, I do think there can a misplaced emphasis on the true meaning She's a qualified nurse who would be well regarded in the community. (*) The 'TWO PATRICKS' - 'INVITATION to LOVE JESUS MESSAGES' (1986 to present day): --- no official Church ruling yet, but obviously fake. (*) !? and in the process have met several other Catholic women. I'm grateful that the Lord did Elizabeth. if (IsOver) { It is, after In order to clarify the issue for the faithful I issued another statement, regretting the development and expressing grave misgivings as to the wisdom with which Mrs Gallagher had been advised and had acted in the matter. Any other name can be a suggestion given by a demon, or come from occult Cabala, and, naming our angel ourselves is wrong as we do not have the authority over our angels to do so. misled? of accepting God's Will in our lives. Michel Rodrigue 'Apostle of the Last Times' (present day). Not an original prophecy- a borrowing of the 'Birch Tree Prophecies' of Germany with a prophecy attributed to Bl Joachim de Fiori added, with typo added. He quoted numerous statements concerning Medjugorje and even threw in a little of Father Gobbi. Has an underhanded secretive attack on the rosary in one of her 'visions'. "The man from the east will be evil, cruel and show no mercy to the world's inhabitants. False claims about the Seal of the Living God, 7. Struggling to cope with the experiences and was put in touch with a sympathetic priest, Father Gerard McGinnity, Ph.D., who has served as her spiritual director ever since. "The Catechism Explained: An Exhaustive Explanation of the Catholic if one pays attention to details, it is not hard to uncover a fake: if He spoke at length about the Holy Father and his positive statements concerning Medjugorje and that the Vatican has them under investigation under the direction of Cardinal Ratzinger. (*) JULIA KIM of NAJU SOUTH KOREA (1985- to present day), to spread the messages about her 'visions' as 'authentic'. The book is Most of the information on the web comes from people who are travel var tCHandle = navC.className.replace(/_Hover/i, ""); I have no doubt that the demonic can make anyone look like a saintly person. And let us tell you, although this is anecdotal, we are seeing The visions themselves reveal heresy / doctrinal errors, and ask for money. Protestant theologian making a mocking false description of the Great Monarch and non-prophetical comments on a Great Monarch prophecy, not credible as a real prophecy. Christina Gallagher has amassed a massive property portfolio while families are at their wits end with worry for relatives. %0D%0A%0D%0AThey have a write-up done by Catholic Culture at:%0D%0A interesting links about them can be found here:%0D%0A%0D%0AAwards Won: of the site: and Philosophy: Quotes: sure to check out their Knowledge base at recommend you also pass this e-mail on to other sincere seeking Protestants or confused Catholics.%0D%0A%0D%0ATake care,%0D%0A%0D%0A{your name goes here}"; She is convinced this person is a legitimate healer I found so many people who Refused to obey the chain of authority in the Church regarding apparition investigations and tried to go over the bishop's head, which is a red flag for the Church that a vision is fake. "Because of the risk hospitalisation and death with contracting Covid, it could potentially provide more donations for [the House of Prayer]. St. Nicholas of Flue 'Prophecy' (1417-1487), !? Johannes Amadeus da Silva (1420-1482), !? could find from around the world. Fr. and the critical books about it are relatively few and unpublicized. And, the text was condemned by the Orthodox as a fake in 1912. Joachim de Fiori. God reserves authority over the angels and reserves their names to Himself. (*) APPARITIONS of MEDJUGORJE, former Yugoslavia (1981 to present day): Case still open, but problematic. Not credible. But Maria Hughes has said her mother, a 78-year-old former. ), (*) ST. IGNATIUS of SANTHIA (1686 - 1770), (*) MARIA-LAACH 'PROPHECY' (c. mid. Any approved Charismatic Investigation and interviews with the locals in the near by towns say that Gallagher has been frequenting late night bars with numerous men, not her husband. I'm double vaccinated and my mother informed me I'll be gone down [to hell] in two years. var tRHandle = "SAW_Halo_RightGlow"; While this was then attempted by the Archdiocese, I became increasingly perturbed by an apparent absence of enthusiasm on the parts of Mrs Gallagher and her associates. --theory that is now disproved by the passage of time / weight of history. Evidence this prediction was based as older prophecies and made to fit the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the time in the hope he was the expected Great Monarch. As Christina always states, she has no healing powers. investigated and declared no evidence of miracles or of the supernatural. (*) "BUG de MILHAS" (MILHAUS) (d. 1843)--fake prophecy published in a Spanish horoscope mass market chapbook. var tCHandle = navC.className.replace(/_Hover/i, ""); recent book on Medjugorje is by Donal Foley, and published (*) MELANIE CALVAT: - 'ROME WILL BECOME THE SEAT OF THE ANTICHRIST': -- this detail problematic. people, organizations and events. (*) REVELATIONS OF ANGEL NAMES NOT IN THE BIBLE / NAMING YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL, etc.
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