These photos dont have a lot of helpful information and the camera was tampered with. A priest of sorts. But they are hurt and they are lost. She turned around and they snapped a photo. Seriously? This is the real one: From 508 onward. Once they examined the phones, investigators unraveled a confusing and grim timeline. I dont really speculate much with psychic readings or energy. Hi JW, yes I agree with you about many things. They had more than enough evidence and leads to solve the case but they ignored so much of the evidence. December 12, 2022. They obviously protect the predator(s). They added a caution sign after their disappearance for this exact reason. Government corruption perpetuates the proliferation of gang activity. Between taking the last foto (Nr 508) at 12:54 local time and the first SOS call at 16:39 local time something happened. Bright sunlight is coming in from the left side of the photo, so Kris holds her flattened right hand up to her face to shield her eyes, similar to a salute. Someone was with the girls when the two photos of them were taken on the Pianista summit. Both were never seen again, The Sun reports. Chris, I hope you and a team go but I also understand, in the present age of uncertainty, if you dont. If so, it would indicate that she had been kept alive for a few weeks or more. The ground is littered with leaves, twigs, and stones. Missing Lynn Haven juveniles. If a picture is deleted from a camera, its still possible to retrieve it. Like the taxidriver and the two local boys. How many tourists go to Australia? if both then was the other found in their room? Surely they would put them back on if only for a little insulation. I previously read that online, although it was a while ago and I cant remember where I read that. This leads me to believe that they were followed by one or more men who made their presence known around that time. The point-and-shoot camera numbers its files in ascending order, the way most digital cameras do. However, if Kremers and Froon had found manmade ramshackle structures during their hike, such as the possible items viewed in this photo, its possible they had unwanted company. If it is not possible to join those two points together then that would at least shine light on the possibility that a third party was involved at some point leading to the appauling possibility that they genuinely were lost for some time (until the 5th?) i found it hard to understand and pickup any of the highlighted objects.i grew up in a tropical country and spent a lot of my childhood exploring woods and secondary jungles around my home with my friendsthe way i see it is that the girl have encountered a thick unpenetrable undergrowth at the end of some sort of a gorge.maybe in an effort to find a way through or out of it.when youre at ground level in a jungle its just a green world and colour hues jumbled up in some sort of a mess.and after a while you started noticing odds shapes n colours through the leavesoccassinally there will be thrash thrown around.just my thoughts. For example, I visited numerous hostels in Panama and the hostels that have dogs usually permit their dogs to roam freely outside of the house and to come and go as they please. Therefore, if Kris Kremers is normal and happy, as she appears to be in this photo (and in the other photos in the series), it means that things took a bad turn for them relatively soon after the photo above was taken. However, if Continuous mode was in use then even if 509 was deleted, the next image will be 510. 3. But, Who took the photos on later dates? Im considering putting together a research team to visit Panama and further investigate the details of the case interviews, videos, mapping terrain, etc. Here is what bothers me about this event. Thats what I see as well. Hi Kevin, Occums razor only applies when all facts are available. One indication is that I cannot see the shoulder strap of her top that is obscured by her white/fair forearm. What is that clear brown glass-looking circle in the upper righthand corner? If you look closely at the top left part of this photo, you can see that, behind all the criss-crossed twigs and branches, there is a bank of rock. Just trying to get as many ideas together as possible, so that some clue may surface one day. Missing migrants | Migration Data Portal Well be mapping the trails with a GPS device, searching for the location of the night photos and capturing aerial footage of the rivers in the region. play. Can it explain Lisannes foot that was broken? Its at the very top of the post. For the first handful, a correct password was entered. Kremers and Froon set out into the forest along thePianista Trail around 11 amon April 1, 2014,with only a backpack between them. Because of thedark, the pairmight have usedthe camera flash as a light sourceor to scare away animals. Realizing just how much trouble these two could have been in. The biggest danger for travelers in Central America is crime. There are shots of them exploring the jungle on April 1 which appear to show that all is well. Like you would get from being hit. Hi Chris, and thank you for your nice comments! Too many coincidences. Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon (lost unreleased/uncompressed original Celebrity. People began to suspect something happened whenthe dog Blue returned from the hike unaccompanied. Apr 4, 2022 The number of international visitor arrivals in Panama surpassed the one million in 2021, after having plummeted to less than 700 thousand as a result of COVID-19 impact on tourism. Hard noncontroversial evidence is very limited and what there is is open to interpretation. Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Shes been beaten into submission. Happy reading! At 2:50 they start walking up to what I believe is the location in this photograph, Not a cave but an old bridge you can see the railing and bridge post and there is a weird shadow to the left behind the railing. Nobody is safe. Did they become lostand fall down a cliff? I wish I had them as actual photographs that I could shuffle around until I can place them in the order in which I think they were taken. Thanks un advance, Lyn Carmichael. The oddest thing about this photo is the look on her face which looks very distorted. While I do believe eventually, and possibly soon after this, there was foul play, I dont think anything untoward was happening as of this photo. So why did they go on a trip on April 1st? It would be scarey.they could got attack by animal. To Jane I just gave the brief overall story of what I think happened. 3. Does anyone know what the orange string is on the left of the photo? Shortly after this photo is when the girls encountered trouble and tried to dial for help. Over four days, 77 separate attempts had been made to call the cops - using the emergency numbers in both the Netherlands and in Panama. Also important is who they met because two tall and very attractive new arrivals would certainly get all the boys tongues wagging. Central America is notably inexpensive, free spirited, less commercialized and is typically hospitable to travelers, therefore many travelers from around the world seek these adventures. It suggest that this case goes deeper than we imagine. In Indian Country, a Crisis of Missing Women. And a New One When They I wish we had the answers to your questions. Btw, phones will connect to emergency services with or without sim card being present. 1. One was left above. Foul play is very likely. It looks like a turtle shell hanging on the right side of the picture (its further up). Two months after the backpack was found, a pelvic bone and foot still inside a boot were discovered in the same area, according to La Estrella de Panama. We can only speculate without more evidence of that. However being one of the last photos taken this location would be incredibly important to have investigated back in 2014 (or even still). Cave photo: She is NOT looking at the ground, but at the camera, with her face up. Problem with that is that you would think they would simply turn round once they realised. On one website, almost every user is convinced, that all the daylight pictures were photoshopped, even this one here, No.505. Is it possible that there is a building or some sort of structure behind the vegetation? Perhaps that is where this photo was taken and a search should be done there. Given thetimeline, authorities assumedat least one of the womenwas alive at thetime, five days into the search. You said it seems to me that they want to destroy the investigation I agree with you that it seems intentional to some degree. Perhaps the photos served astrail markersto help the young women find their way around or back to therescuers. The night picture she is standing in same spot and someone is doing something to her lower leg or foot ,you can see them under her. That could just be confirmation bias on my part. There are over 30 fingerprints on the blue backpack which belongs to one of the girls, but they dont want to investigate the fingerprints. Granted, other dangers certainly exist and thats why we can only speculate about what happened to them. This! JW, I agree with you totally, thanks for your intelligent remarks! It would be interesting to see a map of possible mobile blackspots because it seems where ever they were IF STATIONARY then they were on the extreme edge or reception dependent on atmospherics. Can anybody see that? Could be that the path turns sharp right or left (out of the frame) or continues up ahead after a short scramble. Bu that he meant an outcome which had no human input to the consequences. Thanks for the analysis though, I keep looking for new stuff, this case really gets to meI can see why people think this was a criminal act -I see that with some aspects of the case, however, I do think that it was the result of injury and or getting lost -I cant see a criminal 1) letting them keep their phones and camera and 2) letting the camera and phones being discovered. As we all know, hitting delete never actually deletes files therefore overwriting the files is the only effective method to cleaning old data. He even found pictures of the suspect and a local model wearing Kriss blue shirt right after the disappearance. If you think America is a safe country youre extremely ignorant or niieve. If one or both of the phones were missing, it would have generated more questions. She does look slightly uneasy but I just think it was a photo she wasnt expecting. She would probably have gone into what looks like a cave or hut behind her, which may have been a booby trap leading to a long drop either through the floor or at the back of the cave. I wanted to her a benefit of the doubt before I came across this article, yes she did mention red and black feathers on a piece of wood and turquoise pendant and a white mask. Do u know if this particular spot was apart of the trail they went on? On April 1, the 21-year-old and 22-year-old went for a walk through the scenic forests around the Baru Volcano in Boquete. Theres some type of red and black object at the top of the photo. She is looking down to the left and appears to be shocked by what she sees. Not getting any fingerprints looks suspect. Ela est apavorada I believe the backpack was placed near the river in order to indicate where the remains would be found (like a flag), and perhaps the backpack was provided in hopes to receive the reward money, and the location of the backpack meant that searches would move to a different location (potentially because the police were too close to the suspects at the time). It IS strange that the attempted SOS calls were so few. Im not sure if Ive found something new here, but I havent found anyone else discussing these details online. Tony and Debra Velleman are pictured in an undated image. The families of both Froonand Kremers also became concerned when they didn't get a usual check-in call. And if there would be any clue in them that the girls were hurt intentionally, the parents would not stop being vocal about it. They want to protect their tourism industry but they also dont have the resources to effectively stop gang violence. Nothing more sinister than that. No chance. Excellent editing work, thanks to Justin. Theres some orange with white dots. Thats suspicious and leads me to question if government was involved to some degree. Two Dutch women who went missing in April in Panama are now confirmed dead, according to police and the women's families. Yes, I can see that too Chyna Lee. It was probably done by the perpetrators in order to collect the reward money. They know that youre supposed to find a river, so they set out in search. As you say, it might be better if you were able to lay out the photos and see how they seem to fit together. Several of the relatives and friends of those visitors to the Quintana Roo who went missing formed a group named "Truth, Memory, and Justice" in an attempt to . Hi Ray, thank you for your comment. This trip to Panama was a major life experience for Kris and Lisanne. ?If they were attacked by people immidiately after this, how they took the photos?? If you follow down from the two red objects, there appears to be something that looks almost like blocks or siding shingles. I hope someday the family has answers. However, any link that requires any form of downloads, account creation or spammy activity, to view linked content, will not be permitted. At that time, she had her phone. I think Kris and Lisanne were two smart, savvy, levelheaded young women. Political corruption runs rampant, depending on the community, which has a cascading effect on law enforcement and local crime. Seems like no one has taken off in the direction of the dog and what it could have offered us. He wasnt walking with them. Only a handful of the pictures retrieved from the memory card showed clear images, with most showing near-complete darkness. However, regarding Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon, Id need to know more about their personality to make this determination. So many clues in all these pictures. Does anyone agree with me? A woman from the localNgbetribeturned in a blue backpack she claimed she found along the bankof a nearby river. This is an excellent analysis. For me the strongest clue that not anything sinister happened is that the family refused to have ALL photos released because some show the girls in a very rough state. The rock in the riverbed is very distinctive was this location ever found and explored? History is not a science but it can include some science. Gang initiation rights are unknown these small gangs dont have an official policy as you might see with the larger gangs its usually just do as we say and well protect you. But someone may not like it, so I hope that you will be very carefull! I think she is pointing, but at something else in another location. But there are a few holes in this particular theory. You ask good questions. Some suggest that they could they have seen something that they didnt want the rest of the world to see. The dog wasnt in any photos, nor were the girls photographed after their disappearance. Hi Chris! when are you putting a research team together?? The students' phone records also tragically revealed how they desperately tried to call the police. Update Dec 2, 2021: The full-resolution version of this photo was released in 2021. The indigenous people know how to use phones watch the Kinga documentary. The red and black objects look like bolt cutters or tree cutter. Regarding the existing photos its a big mess. Another important detail was disclosed to the public: Hctor Abrego was actively searching for the missing . Fortunately, I have that ability. Latin America has tens of thousands of small communities, all of which operate slightly differently to some degree. Things Tourists Should Never Do in Panama, Ever - Culture Trip May the case stay alive and well. Maybe one girl regained consciousness at night and took the pictures. Theycalled 112, the emergency number for the Netherlands, as well as Panama's emergency number, 911. Other than the dog, the young women went on their hike alone, only asking for directions from a local innkeeper, who advised them to take a taxi back to town. One thing is for sure, I will never travel to Panama. Debra Ann Velleman's husband, Anthony Velleman, another passenger and the pilot were rescued by Panamanian search and rescue teams. In the picture of her in the Cave? I see orange spray paint markings on the base of the tree further in the cave to Kriss right. How long have Keir Starmer and Sue Gray been secretly cooking up their plot? Stories which hes found in archives going back as early as 1500s until modern day all Facts and all true. To this day, the disappearance and tragic deaths of Kris and Lisanne remains a harrowing mystery. I know that their camera and mobile phone photos have been analyzed a thousand times by various people online but I also know that many people arent able to enhance the brightness, contrast, exposure and saturation in a professional graphics program. It seems too strange to be an accident. I think someone followed the girls, caught them, killed them and brought them somewhere, hid them, so they were never found. Where they went and who they talked to in order to build up an idea about what motivated them to take that fateful walk and what information could have taken them down the other side of the divide. So this sparked my curiosity. More than 100 pictureswere on the camera; the first few looked like normal tourist photos with the womensmiling together. This was incredibly naive but then they only just arrived.. What took them past the divide? When browsing the images that were on Lisanne Froons phone, I also noticed that a lot of other websites cropped off the top of this particular photo of Kris Kremers. I read extensively about this case and when I saw the above pic, I got the most eerie feeling. actually name names. Is there somebody behind the insignia? Ive even been contacted by people in Asia. Think about it. Much, much more revealing. Thats perplexing to me. ^ But the galvanized sign marking the terminus of the Pianista isnt really the end of the trail. In fact, theres a very obvious, albeit mud-choked, passage that goes down the other side of the crestonly to intersect with an entire web of paths constructed and used primarily by members of the indigenous Ngobe tribe. The theories go from accident to a crime to a combination of both. To the left hangs a cow skull smeared with blood, perhaps worn during the sacrifices. Very interesting and completely changed my mind.
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