Add the key file into the SSH-agent on the local machine: ssh-add id_ed25519. they do not allow any editing rights and are restricted to reviewing status-related information. 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Samsung Ks8000 Problems, . } Step 2. That doesn't work either. For NOTE: Unlike . Supported Cisco router/switches (ASR . Time and frequency synchronization system, Time and frequency synchronization system (599 pages), Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Mechanical and Environmental Specifications, Required Tools and Parts for Installation, Connecting Reference Input(S) and Network Interface(S), Connecting Reference Input(S) and Network Inter- Face(S), Replacing a Dynamic with a Static IP Address, Accessing Setup Pages Via the MANAGEMENT Menu, NTP Servers & Peers (Stratum Synchronization), NTP Servers & Peers (Stratum Syn- Chronization), NTP Timing System: Reference Selection and Preference, NTP Servers: Adding, Configuring, Deleting, Configuring NTP Symmetric Keys (MD5 Authentication), Configuring Timekeeper as an NTP Time Server, Backing-Up and Restoring Configuration Files, Resetting the Administrator Password When Forgotten/Lost, Resetting the Unit to Factory Configuration, Resetting All Configurations to Their Factory Defaults, Clearing Locally Stored Logs: Selected Files, Issuing the HALT Command before Removing Power, Issuing HALT Command Via Keypad/Serialport/Telnet/Sss, Rebooting Via Lcd/Keypad, Serial Port, Telnet, SSH, SNMP, Editing the Settings of an Input Reference, Monitoring the Status of ALL Option Cards, Monitoring the Status of a SPECIFIC Option Card, Monitoring an Option Card's References and Outputs, The NTP Frequency Offset Performance Graph, Viewing the Configuration of an Input or Output, Viewing the Configuration of an Input or Out- Put, Configuring the Settings of an Input or Output, Configuring the Settings of an Input or Out- Put, Viewing the Signal State of an Input or Output, Viewing the Signal State of an Input or Out- Put, Verifying the Validity of an Input Signal, Programmable Frequency out [1204-13, -2F, -30], Bi-Directional Communication, RS-485 [1204-0B], PROCEDURE 2: Saving Refererence Priority Configuration, PROCEDURE 3: Determining the Correct Installation Procedure, PROCEDURE 5: Top Slot Installation, Bottom Slot Empty, PROCEDURE 6: Top Slot Installation, Bottom Slot Occupied, PROCEDURE 7: Frequency Output Cards: Wiring, PROCEDURE 8: Gb ETH Card Installation, Slot1 Empty, PROCEDURE 9: Gb ETH Card Installation, Slot1 Occupied, PROCEDURE 10: Alarm Relay Card, Cable Installation, PROCEDURE 11: Verifying Successful Installation, PROCEDURE 12: Restoring Reference Priority Configuration (Optional), Troubleshooting - Blank Information Display, Troubleshooting the Front Panel Serial Port, Troubleshooting the Front Panel Cooling Fan, Troubleshooting - Network Pcs Cannot Sync, Recording Equipment SPECTRACOM SecureSync User Reference Manual, Page 27: Mechanical And Environmental Specifications, Page 34: Required Tools And Parts For Installation, Page 35: Safety: Before You Begin Installation, Page 41: Connecting Reference Input(S) And Network Interface(S), Page 44: Using The Keypad And Information Display, Page 45: Navigating The Information Display, Page 46: Unlocking The Front Panel Keypad, Page 47: Replacing A Dynamic With A Static Ip Address, Page 48: Network Configuration Without Dhcp, Page 49: Network Configuration Via Front Panel, Page 50: Network Configuration Via Serial Port, Page 52: Typical Post-Installation Configurations, Page 57: Product Configuration Via The WebUi, Page 59: Accessing Setup Pages Via The Management Menu, Page 60: Default And Recommended Configurations, Page 101: Configuring Snmp And Notifications, Page 114: Ntp Servers & Peers (Stratum Synchronization), Page 118: Ntp Timing System: Reference Selection And Preference, Page 126: Spectracom Technical Support For Ntp, Page 127: Ntp Servers: Adding, Configuring, Deleting, Page 129: Ntp Peers: Adding, Configuring, Deleting, Page 130: Configuring Ntp Symmetric Keys (Md5 Authentication), Page 133: Configuring Ntp Access Restrictions, Page 136: Restoring The Default Ntp Configuration, Page 143: Configuring A Timekeeper Ptp Master, Page 146: Configuring Timekeeper Ptp Slaves, Page 148: Configuring Timekeeper As An Ntp Time Server, Page 154: Configuring Ldap Authentication, Page 198: Backing-Up And Restoring Configuration Files, Page 227: Viewing The Status Of A Gnss Reference, Page 231: The Administrator Login Password, Page 232: Resetting The Administrator Password When Forgotten/Lost, Page 234: Resetting The Unit To Factory Configuration, Page 235: Resetting The Gnss Receiver Position, Page 237: Clearing Locally Stored Logs: All Files, Page 238: Clearing Locally Stored Logs: Selected Files, Page 239: Issuing Halt Command Via The Web Ui, Page 240: Issuing Halt Command Via Keypad/Serialport/Telnet/Sss, Page 241: Rebooting Via Lcd/Keypad, Serial Port, Telnet, Ssh, Snmp, Page 244: Status Monitoring Via Front Panel Leds, Page 246: Status Monitoring Via The Web Ui, Page 248: Status Monitoring Of Input References, Page 252: Status Monitoring With Timekeeper, Page 255: Editing The Settings Of An Input Reference, Page 257: Monitoring All Outputs Of One Type, Page 261: Monitoring The Status Of Option Cards, Page 262: Monitoring The Status Of A Specific Option Card, Page 263: Monitoring An Option Card's References And Outputs, Page 266: The Ntp Time Offset Performance Graph, Page 268: The Ntp Frequency Offset Performance Graph, Page 269: The Ntp Jitter Performance Graph, Page 290: Leap Second Correction Sequence, Page 296: Option Cards Quick Reference Guide, Page 304: Web Ui Navigation: Option Cards, Page 306: Configuring The Settings Of An Input Or Output, Page 307: Viewing The Signal State Of An Input Or Output, Page 308: Verifying The Validity Of An Input Signal, Page 309: 1Pps Out [1204-18, -19, -21, -2B], Page 318: 1Pps In/Out, 10Mhz In [1204-01, -03], Page 325: Frequency Out [1204-08, -1C, -26], Page 329: Programmable Frequency Out [1204-13, -2F, -30], Page 333: Programmable Square Wave Out [1204-17], Page 392: Ascii Time Code In/Out [1204-02, -04], Page 436: Revertive Selector Card [1204-2E], Page 446: Bi-Directional Communication, Rs-485 [1204-0B], Page 448: Option Card Field Installation Guide, Page 449: Outline Of The Installation Procedure, Page 450: Procedure2: Saving Refererence Priority Configuration, Page 452: Procedure4: Bottom Slot Installation, Page 454: Procedure6: Top Slot Installation, Bottom Slot Occupied, Page 455: Procedure7: Frequency Output Cards: Wiring, Page 456: Procedure8: Gb Eth Card Installation, Slot1 Empty, Page 457: Procedure9: Gb Eth Card Installation, Slot1 Occupied, Page 458: Procedure10: Alarm Relay Card, Cable Installation, Page 459: Procedure11: Verifying Successful Installation, Page 460: Procedure12: Restoring Reference Priority Configuration (Optional), Page 462: Troubleshooting: System Configuration, Page 465: Troubleshooting Via Web Ui Status Page, Page 468: Troubleshooting - 1Pps, 10 Mhz Outputs, Page 469: Troubleshooting The Front Panel Serial Port, Page 470: Troubleshooting The Front Panel Cooling Fan, Page 503: Irig Standards And Specifications, Page 515: Irig Output Accuracy Specifications.
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