When I try to get the 22nd or the 23rd, it shows as only one page. Lauren testified that she was under the impression the woman would be kept in the room for a few days but her "stay" actually lasted 18 to 24 months. THE COURT: We have been through this. She rose up and is actually practicing what she preached. But what was more troubling is not that they had a relationship it was Keiths consistent misrepresentations of things he made promises to me that I gave up real other opportunities of things that I wanted and he knew that I wanted, and he didnt fulfill those promises Keith said, in the curriculum, that ultimately we want to make our words so strong, like so strong that when we tell people we will do something, it will be done. It is the final installment of our report on her cross-examination. Q You said [in the direct examination] when Keith was arrested in Mexico, Mexican police came in and they had machine guns? This story has been shared 177,460 times. ; see, e.g., Trial Transcript ("Tr.") at 619-24 (testimony of Mark Vicente regarding Nxivm recruitment strategies); id. I think Lauren did an excellent job of clearly articulating things as they were and not getting tripped up by Agnifilo. NEW YORK (AP) After weeks of relentlessly lurid testimony, federal prosecutors in Brooklyn on Friday wrapped up their sex trafficking case against Keith Raniere, . An appeal on Lauren Salzman testimony not being finished will not overturn all those counts of guilty. According to Salzmans testimony, he immediately instructed all of the DOS first-line slaves to deny that Raniere had any knowledge of DOS, and that the women had branded themselves of their own volition. When the police showed up, I was in one mode: protect Keith, Salzman testified on Tuesday at the Brooklyn federal courthouse where Raniere is currently standing trial. Formerly one of NXIVMs most loyal capos, an exhausted-looking Salzman recounted decades of her emotional manipulation at the hands of Raniere, a self-described genius who once held such sway over his followers that they believed he was able to control the weather. A former follower of self-help guru Keith Raniere says he was a taskmaster who expected her to be as obedient as a "hungry dog." Lauren Salzman testified Monday that she and other women, including TV actress Allison Mack, were under orders to send Raniere nude photos of themselves and paddle each other if they . Lauren Salzman, 42, testified that the same young woman, identified as Daniela, was confined to a bedroom for two years - all because she gained weight and asked to see a man other than Raniere. I have to sentence this defendant and what you did was, basically, ask her to make legal judgments about whether what she did in pleading guilty was farcical that she took somebody elses advice, some lawyer, so she could get out from under a trial. According to Salzmans testimony, he and Dani reached an agreement that she would be confined in a room in a home she shared with her parents, with no communication with the outside world; if she did not agree to these terms, Salzman testified, she would have to go back to Mexico. The 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time C-SPAN receives no funding from any government. As part of this protracted litigation, that dragged on for more than a decade, Raniere and his sidekick Salzman, were deposed for hours under oath. Q And from time to time, Kristin would write e-mails as though it was Hector [Dani and Camis father]; correct, she did that from time to time? She was told. Nothing.. Salzman flew into a panic. The ghoulish guru landed 120 years behind bars last year for his heinous crimes, and was recently ordered to pay his slew of victims nearly $3.5 million in restitution. And when I found that I had done things that I believe are wrongful, and also criminal, I did exactly what Keith taught me to do, which is take responsibility for and figure out how to fix it. It is the defense councils job to cross-examine her about this unpleasant experience. Cookie Notice At the end before the jury leaves when the Judge says you are done, Agnifilo says, I know I am done. Therefore the defense had concluded by his own words that the questioning was over. A I think it was progressive. The relationships I learned about when I joined but it wasnt confusing to me that there had been time spent developing those things. Raniere also drafted a public statement defending the existence of DOS while simultaneously denying he had anything to do with it. Around that same time, one former DOS slave and a longtime friend of Salzmans, Sarah Edmondson, left the group after discovering that the DOS brand was not some badass empowerment symbol, but actually Ranieres initials. Q One of the ways you know that Keith was lying to you is because you listened to these recordings; right? God, do l ever loathe Keith. I am not trying to argue with you. actress Nicki Clyne, had flown to Mexico to visit Raniere. I am worried about her composure in this case, the judge explained to an apparently perplexed Mark []. I am the one who is disappointed. I lied to the entire community about it, she testified. A I felt insecure about it, but that wasnt what was troubling to me. Lauren Salzman, whose mother co-founded Nxivm. It was not interrupted and wasnt getting anywhere with Lauren. https://static.boredpanda.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/silicone-baby-avatar-babyclon-1.jpg. In it, she apologized for having disrespected him and for damaging her own reputation as a group leader, as well as that of their theoretical child, someone who doesnt even exist yet. But Raniere was unmoved, dealing her a final blow, Salzman testified, when he revealed that he would be fathering a child with another longtime girlfriend. She should be very proud of herself that she took the stand, answered questions bravely and articulately. After providing collateral in the form of embarrassing documents and explicit naked photos, Salzman became what she referred to as a first-line slave of the group, or a member of DOSs innermost circle, reporting directly to Raniere, along with Junco, Mack, Clyne, and four other women. It was the most painful thing I have ever experienced, she said. He thought it would be a growth experience for them, Salzman testified. Copyright 2023 Penske Business Media, LLC. I hope he is abjectly miserable right now. May 7, 2019: first day of the trial; includes opening statements (Tanya Hajjar for the prosecution, Marc Agnifilo for the defense) and the beginning of the first witness testimony, by Sylvie [last name redacted by order of the court], a DOS "slave" under Monica Duran, May 8, 2019: continuation of Sylvie's testimony; start of Mark Vicente's testimony, May 9, 2019: Mark Vicente testimony, continued, May 13, 2019: Mark Vicente testimony, continued, May 14, 2019: no witnesses, just proceedings, May 15, 2019: Mark Vicente testimony, continued, May 16, 2019: Mark Vicente, Stephen Herbits, Charles Fontanelli, May 17, 2019: Charles Fontanelli, Sean Welch, Lauren Salzman, May 28, 2019: Daniela [last name redacted], May 29, 2019: Daniela [last name redacted], continued, June 5, 2019: James Loperfido, Maegan Rees, June 6, 2019: Maegan Rees continued, Dawn Hughes, Nicole [last name redacted], June 7, 2019: Nicole [last name redacted], continued. Hes been convicted. Nxivm 'slave master' Lauren Salzman gets time served for role in cult How a mother and daughter rose up in Nxivm, got indicted and eventually turned against Keith Raniere Catherine Oxenberg feared daughter India had suicide pact with NXIVM sex cult Survivor of sex cult explains how she avoided being brainwashed by NXIVM A My intention was to prove to Keith that I was not so far below the ethical standard that he holds that I was I dont even know how far below I am. The man Salzman had previously described as her most important person her mentor, spiritual advisor, and lover; the man whose initials she had chosen to brand into the flesh above her abdomen; the man who had taught her the values of love, sacrifice, personal responsibility and courage had, when confronted with arrest, run away and hidden in a walk-in closet. Q Right. Instead of delaying the trial until the next day. At one point, she said, she wanted to have a relationship with another man, and approached Raniere to ask for permission. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Thanks. AGNIFILO: Your Honor, most respectfully and I am not going to belabor the point I think it is an important she talked about the change in perspective, she did, and Im trying to explore that change. Our legal system gaurantees the right to a trial by jury, but when there is a recording of your confession, why bother? Q Now, you just said when you found out that you did things that were criminal, did you intend to do things that were criminal as you did them? Who cares whether she had convinced herself at the time that it was not illegal or illegal but allowed or whatever. But it was too late- the defense had rested. His work has been cited in hundreds of news outlets, like The New York Times, The Daily Mail, VICE News, CBS News, Fox News, New York Post, New York Daily News, Oxygen, Rolling Stone, People Magazine, The Sun, The Times of London, CBS Inside Edition, among many others in all five continents. Isnt the world better off without a Ratchild? Q Was it hard to hear his voice with their voices in these recordings that you transcribed? I knowingly and intentionally harbored Jane Doe 4, a woman whose identity is known to me, in a room in the home in the Northern District of New York, Salzman testified earlier in the spring, according to unsealed court transcripts quotedby the New York Post. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. lauren salzman testimony transcript . Yet she tried to remain calm. published its DOS expose featuring an interview and photographs of Edmonson displaying her brand. Edmonsons husband publicly confronted Salzman about DOS at a NXIVM event, prompting the rest of the organization to learn about the existence of DOS. Q And with the exception of Rosa Laura, Keith slept with all of those women? The testimony of Lauren Salzman, 42, marked the first time that one of Raniere's co-defendants and a member of his clannish "inner circle" has taken the stand at his criminal trial. Q When you were in DOS before anybody was arrested, were you doing things intentionally to break the law? windshield wiper broke off while driving. The organization is commonly called a "cult," and has been termed a "racketeering enterprise" by the U.S. government. I didnt want to sit at the defense table and tell a false story about what happened. You didnt know he was with them at those times? When Salzman confronted Raniere about it, he denied sleeping with the women. Salzman spent four days on the witness stand during Raniere's 2019 trial, testifying about the group's inner workings, Raniere's involvement, and her own failed attempts to leave the group. The proof is in the pudding. Q Let me ask you the question. Salzman flew into a panic. Salzman testified that being locked in a cage for days until surrendering was supposed to be a way for the most committed members to grow. This is so great! Specifically interested in the days that Lauren Salzman was testifying, but would also like to skim through the entire trial. a fish hole. It kills me that I hurt people that I loved so much, a teary Salzman told the court. Move on. The seduction assignment, he said, was intended to give women an experience with the man where the man couldve abused his power, but didnt.. ); We want to hear it. Raniere had fled to Mexico the year before, following a. that he was the grandmaster of DOS, a NXIVM offshoot and secret all-female sorority of masters and slaves. Allegedly run by Raniere, the group reportedly had branded women, forced them to provide collateral in the form of explicit naked photos, and coerced them into having sex with him. A I dont recall. But what I had here was, I had a crisis here. I was very upset, she said. Fixed: Release in which this issue/RFE has been fixed.The release containing this fix may be available for download as an Early Access Release or a General Availability Release. A I knew they had a relationship. I showed reprehensible judgment, Salzman said. Also, as far as proving that Lauren Salzman didnt really think she was guilty of anything-(which is what Agnifilo seemed to be trying to prove). Raniere, 58, is accused of founding and running NXIVM, which framed itself as a self-help group but which prosecutors say was really a cult-like organization that coerced female members into sexual fealty to Raniere. It did not seem like the line of questioning was interrupted at all. Thats what I did when I was in DOS. Salzman, a former member of NXIVM leader Keith Raniere's Read More FILE - This Oct. 4, 2018 photo shows Lauren Salzman as she leaves Brooklyn Federal Court in New York. Pea, just imagine babies that looked like this: [] he halted her cross-examination at the Raniere trial because she was sobbing on the stand. Lauren stepped down. Two cages had already been ordered for the dungeon, according to the New York Post. During that period, Salzman acted as Danis only liaison with the outside world, delivering apologetic letters that she wrote to Raniere few of which, Salzman testified, he actually read. "He told me Dani was brilliant," Salzman tells producers, explaining how the then-16-year-old's parents trusted Raniere as a "guru" and signed her up for a so-called intensive in the States. Apparently emboldened by her demonstration of loyalty, Raniere once again brought up the idea of fathering a child with Salzman, accompanying her to doctors office visits so she could receive fertility treatments. Lauren Salzman was once a high-ranking leader of the purported self-help group Nxivm and a loyal member of founder Keith Raniere's inner circle. And I am not going to allow someone to be placed in this circumstance and then let it continue. THE COURT: Anything else from the defense? I suspect flipping Allison Mack was crucial to making the trial a waste of everyones time. In the end it wont matter at all, because hes very obviously guilty, by the taped words from his own mouth. Oh wow- definitely good to know! I harmed Daniela I completely failed her., The hearing included victim-impact statements from two former Nxivm members, including Ivy Nevares, who said Salzman never apologized for using her position and skills to try to force me to accept my exploitation and to do so with a smile., You called yourself my best friend, you were a fellow woman, yet you did what you did, she said. Press J to jump to the feed. Brooklyn federal judge Nicholas Garaufis gave Salzman credit for time shes served under house arrest, as well as five years probation, noting that she had turned her life around. Editors note: You be the judge. Q Was your intention to hurt people or was it to help people? I dont want to talk about it anymore. Frank made an excellent decision in the way he chose to realease Laurens testimony. They were also told to seduce Raniere, a task that Salzman referred to as the Assignment. Salzman claimed not to have known about the Assignment until Mack mentioned that slaves she had recruited were having sex with Raniere. Of all the things I did in this case and all the crimes that were committed, this was the worst thing I did, she said, sobbing. Longtime Nxivm accountant Kathy Russell, who has copped to charges of visa fraud, still awaits sentencing. She has been on the stand for hours. Her mother Nancy Salzman, 66, pleaded guilty to racketeering conspiracy and is scheduled to be sentenced on Sept. 8. I mean, one of my concerns though is that Keith was not being honest with me about what was going on, and he was mischaracterizing things and making promises to me that were influencing my life decisions when I could have gone in other ways and was expressing that I wanted to. In March 2018, Lauren Salzman, a high-ranking member in the self-empowerment organization NXIVM and a so-called master in the alleged sex cult DOS, was making a smoothie in the kitchen of a house outside Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, when her friend Loreta Garza, another NXIVM member, burst into the room. And if I made a mistake, then you will have your opportunity if you should not be successful in gaining your clients acquittal, and Im just going to leave it at that. They began a sexual relationship in 2001, which they continued in secret until 2008 or 2009, while she was in DOS. On Wednesday, Salzman apologized for keeping a woman named Daniela captive in a room from 2010 to 2012 at Ranieres request and threatening to deport her to Mexico. "I believed Keith Raniere's intentions were to help people, and I was wrong," Mack told a judge while pleading guilty to racketeering charges. Related Judge, can we have a sidebar? THE COURT: All right, the witness is excused. Q And these are meetings between Keith, Monica Duran, Dani Padilla, and Loreta Garza, right? So I need the cross for Lauren Salzman. Lauren Salzman had twenty-two slaves when she was exposed & arrested, according to the New York Times. The trial transcripts offer by far the most gripping (and soul-crushing) account for sure. What am I doing wrong? Raniere wanted this testimony forever suppressed and sealed so that no one would ever know what he and Salzman had admitted or lied about under oath. I dont know that. She avoided jail time and was sentenced to time served, five years. And then sometimes Hector would send his own e-mails ? I wanted to put the available transcripts from Keith Raniere's trial all in one place, for my own organizational purposes. Trial testimony showed surveillance cameras were set up outside the room and the woman wrote letters almost daily asking for forgiveness. I was annoyed initially but now I understand. Q I think you said on direct examination that you thought Keith changed when Pam passed away? Q you were still holding out hope, as of June 2016 when these conversations [2016] are taking place [with the other first-line DOS slaves] these meetings between Keith and these other women, [at this time] you are still holding out hope that you might end up with Keith? Pea!! But the jurist was convinced Salzman was a changed woman, saying her new gig caring for animals is about as different as participating in Nxivm than anything I can imagine., This defendant has an inner sense of empathy and duty, Garaufis added Wednesday, as he highlighted Salzmans extensive and sincere cooperation with the government.. A former high-ranking member of the alleged cult NXIVM testified against its alleged leader in court on Monday, accusing him of whipping, beating and playing other kinds of sex games with his top female members. AP Lauren Salzman, 45, a former NXIVM collaborator of cult leader Keith Raniere, was sentenced on Wednesday to time served and five years of probation. I lied to everybody. Padilla had also planned to purchase a cage, though she canceled the order shortly after the inner workings of DOS were made public in the spring of 2017. During her testimony at Raniere's trial, she. I am not talking about that. Then the Swifties Came After Her, NBA 'Investigating' Ja Morant After Allegedly Flashing Gun on Social Media, Alex Murdaugh Juror Says Cellphone Video, 'Big Liar' Testimony Led to Guilty Verdict, She Used the Bathroom And Became a Target of the Culture War, Here's How LaRussell and Intuit are Helping Independent Artists Understand How to Achieve Their Financial Ambitions, Alex Murdaugh Sentenced to Life in Prison for Murder of Wife and Son, See the Beths Deliver Refreshing 'Expert in a Dying Field' Mini-Set on 'CBS Mornings', Netflixs Sex/Life Is Back to Satisfy Your Softcore Desires. And it says something about the utter STUPIDITY of Lauren Salzman that it takes the Mexican Police pointing machine guns at her head to begin to wake her up. Q Keith had a child with Kristin Keefe; right? THE COURT: If you want to know, you went way over the line as far as Im concerned with regard to this witness. There were a lot of things created and they had all been created and implemented in my absence, so I knew that I had come into something, that there had been things before. Q But you know that now because the Government gave you the recordings to listen to of the meetings that you werent in? She pleaded guilty to only racketeering conspiracy, and was the. You made your points. Lauren Salzman was sentenced in Brooklyn federal court to time served and ordered her to perform 300 hours of community service Credit: AP 4 She was a former member of NXIVM leader Keith Raniere's inner circle Prosecutors noted her "credible, detailed" testimony against her ex Raniere at his 2019 trial as reason for leniency. Raniere has pleaded not guilty to sex-trafficking and other charges. Q And you always were concerned that Keith held Cami in sort of a special place in his heart? And that goes for everybody in this room, and it includes you and the Government. Q Kristin Keeffe, you said, was in the legal sort of part NXIVM, she was in the legal department? Q Youve been through a lot for Keith; right? This organization is nuts. Im done. He is manically writing messages to Agnifilo on yellow Post-It Notes and having Teny Geragos deliver them to the podium where Agnifilo is standing while he questions Lauren.
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