But Im glad I ran into your site. First, it is important to note that Mexico has a lot of traffic laws that are different from the United States. There is no fee for driving here as a tourist, either. Saying it is safe is hogwash. I have never been robbed, kidnapped or raped or even pickpocketed why visiting Mexico but the media will have you believe its more dangerous than the US. The people are friendly, family-oriented, very religious, and completely willing to help and answer questions therefore I believe Mexico is safe so stop asking is Mexico dangerous for tourists. We have been pulled over, infractions made up and robbed every time we have rented a car in mexico. In that situation there isnt much you can do because the excursion is set up by a third party. Method one: Recovery by uninstalling Windows 10. I did a little research and everything I found said Manzanillo was safe and crime was virtually nonexistent because the Mexican army and Navy is based there. FYI theres no fine for not wearing a mask and even though it wasnt terribly expensive the experience of being shaken down by the POLICE will keep me from returning to CDMX. The basics. You might need to look through a different lens writer and honestly consider that race may be irrelevant with this??? Dont compare at all staying in the golden zones of the Mayan coast (where most Mexican cant even dream of even going) with going to the real Mexico. While Oaxaca might have a bit of a negative reputation in some quarters, it's unfairly gained in my humble opinion. During an emergency, the U.S. government may have very limited ability to provide assistance. Just like there are parts of the US that you might avoid driving in at night when you're alone, there are places in Mexico that you will want to avoid driving at night when you're alone. Am I saying a trip to Mexico is going to mean certain doom for you? Your liberalism is showing and your fake news BS is just that, BS. Cancun Mexico Travel, Tours, Tips, and Ideas, https://passportsandgrub.com/placencia-lobster-festival/, https://www.goatsontheroad.com/manzanillo-colima-travel-guide/, The Best Beaches in Cabo: Best Beaches for swimming and snorkeling, Things To Do In Cabo San Lucas for Couples |Best Adventures in Los Cabos, How to find the Best Boutique Hotels in Los Cabos, Hotel Review: Villa del Palmar Loreto, Mexico (LTO), Hotel Review: Villa del Palmar Loreto, Mexico (LTO) | Passrider, Is Cabo Safe For American Tourists? I will be traveling to Acapulco in July with my husband and four kids ages 12,10,3,2. Weve all heard the stories about the corrupt cops south of the border. No matter where you look but as fall break approaches, visitors are asking if Los Cabo is safe for a girls trip. yes, but so does Memphis and it doesnt stop me from going home and it shouldnt stop you from traveling solo to Mexico. Is It Safe To Drive in Mexico To be completely honest, that depends. Mexico is killing american tourists left and right and very few media publications talk about it. Why would you want to just stay at your resort? Coastal destinations, like Puerto Vallarta, Cabo San Lucas, Riviera Nayarit, Cancun, and the . New Orleans is still an amazing place to visit and the Media is right to champion this inspirational city. We are currently looking for a second home and a reprieve from the winter months. They feel like once we transfer to hotel we should stay at resort. 19 Can a US citizen buy a car in Mexico? Driving in Mexico City is generally safe, but unnecessary, stressful, and possibly misguided. Very concerned. PLAN ON TRAVELING TO CANCUN WITH A GROUP OF MY GIRLFIRENDS AND WOULD LIKE TO DO AN AIR BNB. Everyone was asking me was I afraid to go to Mexico. The travel advisories has zero to do with skin color. The areas that are dangerous should be avoided. Planning on visiting and backpacking across Yucatan Peninsula..Cities/Areas that Ill be visiting are as follows:- Red lighted by cops for a courtesy check. The courtesy check was a ruse to search me and my vehicle. extends to certain parts of Sonora state, which borders . I actually felt more unsafe when I was in Paris. Drug violence remains a serious problem in the country, and it's best to stay up to date on local news. There are certain things you need to be aware of while visiting Mexico City to ensure you have a safe trip. I am so tired of the garbage lying prejudiced stupid Mass corporate media from the United States always dilapidating Mexico with no empirical and factual evidence whatsoever just bias and prejudice. For my money there is much nicer safer places to go. Towing your car is technically something that the officer cant do, even though they will threaten it, but if you give them enough of a desire to cause you harm they will absolutely find a way to make it happen. If youre worried about visiting a specific location, it pays to research that area before you book your travel. In that case, the order is clear: protect them. When you compare the number of murders to the entire population, it is still a tiiny fraction. If it is a minor infraction dont bribe them, even so, it is possible that they ask for some money, the amount depends on the seriousness of the infraction, if you passed a red light it is better if they only give you the traffic ticket, If you drive without a license, the car must be impounded and the fine is higher, in that case, I suggest you offer $ 200 pesos (if you look Mexican) if you are blond with blue eyes maybe about $500 pesos, If you are stopped drinking alcohol in the street, the fine is $ 1500 pesos or 24 hours of jail, you will probably have to pay your full fine, Those are the most common crimes for which a police officer can pull you over, obviously, if you steal or kill, the amount will be considerably higher. If the answer is no then you should not be concerned is it safe to travel to Mexico? Plans for Puerto Vallarta early spring? If you arent on guard all the time you will be a victim. This is to reach the mountains of Mexicali and the end of the peninsula to vacation spots such as Cabo San Lucas and Todos Santos. Join Facebook groups such as Cancun Mexico Travel, Tours, Tips, and Ideas that are dedicated to traveling to Mexico and understanding what Mexico travel warnings really mean. We love your $$$$$$ money. Visiting the the ruins is must! BEWARE!!! Ready to plan your trip, grab myFREE Vacation Plannerto help you plan your trip in the time it takes to watch your favorite TV show! I wonder why only black and brown countries are considered dangerous. I have traveled to Mexico and just returned from traveling to Cancun solo in March. . Mexico Citys murder rate is 8 per 100,000, despite being the second-largest city on the planet. Keep spouting the political brainwash. you must have misunderstood my article because I am quite clear that my experience with Mexico has been nothing but safe and wonderful. If they can cheat you in some way they will. Be aware of your surroundings and be on the lookout for fake taxis, watered-down drinks, car rental scams, and foreign exchange scams which are just a few of the scams you should be on the lookout for while in Mexico. Staying at the Marriott Cancun Resort, not AI, so we will be going around for food etc, even getting groceries for breakfast. We would be staying at an AirBnb owned by an American couple. But risks vary, a lot, and so does peoples tolerance for risk depending on their personalities and life experience. We would be driving from the Tuscon area using a rental car. I just returned from a solo trip to Cancun and felt completely safe. I am not a paid promoter of the Mexican Tourism board and they actually are not even aware of my article. No! Because the United States is the only country selling all kinds of weapons to Mexico theres no other country including Mexico itself providing weapons to those disgusting cartels. I may have to cancel this part of my trip. Temporary import permits for cars registered in the United States are needed in order to drive beyond the border zones in Mexico. Trust me they want to keep those tourism dollars rolling in and keep touristy areas free of crime. You might be subject to a health screening before . Take a Border Patrol agent to lunch sometime. Read the entire Travel Advisory. Even with increased police security, there has still been an uptake in criminal activity so you must remain aware of your surroundings at all times. It helps a bit of the local economy. I have another question for you: who stole 55% of the Mexican territory in the middle of the 19th century? etc. Why is it necessary to bring race into your post? Like in many Mexican cities, the roads in Los Cabos are kept safe by speed bumps. I got robbed by the POLICE in Roma Norte in Mexico City. Its amazing what people are capable of telling themselves to put their mind at ease. Maybe you live in one of those areas, so Mexico feels just as clean and safe as home to you?Adding your political views negates your argument that Mexico is a safe place. Do you recommend staying in a larger city like Cancun or Cozumel or is Tulum ok? It also warns people to exercise increased caution when visiting local bars, nightclubs, and casinos.. Can I take my car to Mexico permanently? For the most part, bus travel is the best way to get around in Mexico, but if you are anything like me I prefer to be on my own time and not have to wait on other people. Is there any activities you recommend, any transportation from the airline to hotel ? Keep your belongings with you, dont expose your valuables, and avoid being alone in places that are too isolated. Otherwise youll lose readers like me. The U.S. Embassy and Consulates in Mexico have issued a new warning to visitors of Cancun and the Mexican state of Quintana Roo over a potential conflict between taxi drivers and ride-hailing service companies which has caused many tourists to wonder is Quintana Roo safe. Dont confuse Is Mexico safe? with Is Mexico safe for TOURISTS in TOURISTIC zones?. In general, if you're not taking part in illegal activities you don't have anything to worry about. [Updated December 2020], Is Cancun Safe For Travel? Had to give them all the cashll in my pocket and truck in order not to be taken to jail. With that said I leave for Mexico in early June. I feel somewhat better about their safety after reading your article. #DOBetter. Police extortion of tourists detained for minor offenses is often a problem and there have been some grotesque incidents. What if I stay at my resort and dont leave. Is Mexico City Safe to Visit Right Now? Let me do some research tonight and I will get back with you first thing in the morning. Dont try to buy drugs: Dont ask about buying drugs and dont even think about buying drugs. Once I was there, I realized I may have been duped by the American media. No. So, remember to enlist these general rules during your vacation and you will not have to ask is it safe to travel to Mexico?. The lady who ran the tour insisted we go thru the town on the way back, the bus driver didnt say much, but it was obvious he did not want to. Thus other countries should. And those that are safe should be enjoyed and celebrated. Much appreciated!!! While the United States has issued a travel advisory for the entire country of Mexico I want you to rest easy in knowing that Cancun is safe and there are not any current travel restrictionsplaced onCancunand theRiviera Maya. Do you have anything to add for cruise ship safety or safety at these ports? Thanks. I am in Tennessee and if you go looking for trouble you will find trouble. Ill be bringing Adderall and she has sleep medication. https://www.goatsontheroad.com/manzanillo-colima-travel-guide/. A few tips I stick to when driving in Mexico are to avoid driving at night. Why not save this post to your Pinterest board for later? World. no worries Jason and I apologize for the late response as I was traveling. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Will spend the night with her. In the U.S., crashes accounted for 42,915 fatalities in 2021. Mexico is not as dangerous as the media portrays. 18 Safest - Mrida. I beg them to keep their low self-esteem bodies at home watching the Fox News coverage of innocent Americans gunned down en mass while attending church, shopping at Walmart, the movies. President Obrador has not helped. It so refreshing to have someone comment that is not from #45 Base. Here are a few tips to help you stay safe in Mexico as a solo traveler and take the Mexico Travel Warning seriously: Beaware of the travel warnings but dont let the media scare you into thinking Mexico is this scary place and you will be killed if you travel alone. Thoughts? The federal highway between Cancun and Tulum is very safe. ), Melissa- Exactly! Secondly, Is it safe to do all AirBnB?trying to maximize my travel budget. I am traveling to Puerto Vallarta with my two little kids ( 5 & 10) and husband in August and am becoming paranoid about the reconsider travel alert that is on this area. After all, no one wants to travel somewhere that isnt safe. When was the last time your wife or a woman you know was raped. Well, Boston for starters. DO NOT VISIT ENSENADA in 2022, Crime is out of control. Cover your child with sunscreen or protective clothing before heading to the beach. Make sure you put all of your medication in the safe along with any other valuables. Stay away form that shit hole. Traveling by day and on deluxe or 1st-class buses, which use toll highways where possible, minimizes this risk. Mexico is the undisputed murder/rape/kidnapping capitol of the world. Then a I safe?? Many drive through Tijuana and drive south down the peninsula. Trust people who are invested long-term in making your stay a good one, like booking agents and hotel staff, and be on your guard with one-off opportunities. My wife is more than paranoid than me. I dont care if I am in Texas or the Amalfi Coast I try to make sure I am very aware of my surroundings. amzn_assoc_asins = "B07GDKQRJY,B07PGL5DFV,B06XZTZ7GB,B000UVTDLG"; Millions of people visit Mexico each year and 99% of travelers do not run into any trouble but the 1% that makes the news is all that you hear about. I felt more unsafe in Rome than I did Mexico. What about the crime right here in the U.S.? Its people still live from the commerce and manufacture of objects that the precious metal allows; the baroque constructions raised during the mining boom of the Colony are still preserved. amzn_assoc_ad_mode = "manual"; [], [] you afraid that travelisnt safe? Cancun and Cozumel are just like staying in any American city and you will be completely safe. Health standards are far below what an American or European tourist is used to. I am worried because i have 2 kids and one is 7 months old baby with me. I worry that a young family would be a target, am I crazy? Furthermore, tourists should steer clear of displaying signs of wealth, such as wearing expensive watches or jewelry and exercise extreme caution at banks and ATMs but this should be the norm whenever you are traveling out of the country. I love Mexico, the people, the culture and the food! As a white male travelling alone to the bakery I was profiled by Puerto Penasco police. Excellent, informative article Tomiko. Mexican rays are intense and can lead to severe burns or sun poisoning, especially during the warmer spring and summer months. As you drive, you'll notice signs warning you about upcoming topes that keep cars from speeding at dangerous rates. Your I am better than tone tells me exactly why you feel the way you do. I was raised in Cancun. You have done so and have shared it admirably. Thank you again for providing travelers with information. I would love to hear your thoughts on Mexicos safety and is it safe to travel to Mexico so leave me a comment on Facebook,Twitter, orInstagram. Too easy for the cops to set you up for arrest. Hi Is it better for us to have cocktails at the hotel bars? I checked my friends Goats on the road and they sent me this article. Mexico has the same travel warning as Europe and many other countries but they dont have the stigma that Mexico has. Please keep up the wonderful blog! Dont walk around by yourself late at night: You areasking for trouble. Facts are facts.. Mexico is safer than most U.S. cities. They threatened to kill my wife and baby if I didnt pay. Everything else you here is pure BS ! While this may happen occasionally this is not the Denzel Washington movie Man on Fire. Prime Minister Kaja Kallas made history as the first female prime minister of the tiny . I see more knee jerk reaction from the general public that has created the hysteria rather than it being perpetuated by the press. WOW! [], [] I stated in my previous article Is Mexico safe the countries below have the same Cancun travel advisory and most people dont think twice [], [] sure you take extra precautions while traveling to certain parts of Mexico because pickpockets and petty crime are at an all-time high in certain [], [] I suggest staying in places that are filled with foot traffic both day and night with both locals and tourists, youll feel and be much safer. Mexican law states that you have to hire a customs agent (agente aduanal) to facilitate importing a car to Mexico permanently. my first question is are you staying at an all-inclusive resort? My family just booked a cruise for late April that stops in the Yuccatan and Cozumel. Dont go looking for trouble, dont go buying drugs, dont sit your drink down and thats across the board whether its in the states or internationally. Mexico is safe and I am sure you eat a Mexican restaurant every Friday and drink margaritas every Tuesday. With this statement, you lost all credibility. It is a popular port for cruise ships because it is close to many of Mexicos popular tourist destinations. This has nothing to do with Mexico because any country will check your documents but more about you deciding it would take too long or you didnt feel like renewing your documents and mad because you got into trouble. I have to imagine dirty cops would take us to a dirty police station. We have many working in city offices and as contractors for the road department. Congratulations on your trip to Mexico. amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; Here you will enjoy a traditional atmosphere and peaceful environment that several beaches offer you in order to relax, or find activities such as sport fishing or bird watching and as a great closure for these activities, trying a fish that cannot be fresher. So basically if you want to go, proceed as if you were headed to war. Here are the annual numbers of MURDERS, given by MSA (or Metropolitan Statistical Area). Remember that there are over 120 million Mexicans. But, as I said, no one ever asked or looked. Nayarit state Level 3: Reconsider Travel. This infuriated taxi drivers, who face higher costs because they are considered public transportation. And then theres the smaller crimes, like every single time Ive gone to Mexico my credit card has been stolen. Why is Mexico considered so dangerous but other destinations with the same warning level is not? Im about 4 chapters away from finishing J.E. Cabo San Lucas is a popular beach resort town located on the Baja peninsula of Mexico, filled with top-rated boutique hotels, trendy restaurants, and crystal-clear waters. So many Americans regularly travel to Tijuana. Driving restrictions in Mexico City. At least thats the plan. I was worried and I feel better about making plans to attend a concert there in Oct at the Foro Sol. I am traveling to LeBlanc in March 2020 and The Grand Moon Palace in Summer 2021. THat is not the case. The majority of visitors to Mexico City DO NOT experience any crime because the highly populated touristy areas are heavily guarded by local police to ensure those areas remain safe. Fortunately for the rest of us, they wont travel beyond the trailer park. I just wrote an article about the best beaches in Mexico and most of them you will need to rent a car and venture out on your own. YES, if you go to Cancun, youll be safe. The latest Mexico travel warning was put in place to slow the spread of COVID-19, but the restrictions on non-essential travel apply only to crossings by foot or car at the land border, meaning that travelers can still jet off on vacation by plane. I have traveled all over Mexico and I have never felt unsafe. Yes and no. Learn the language as much as possible (This is not just for safety, but also for courtesy, which can actually keep you safer too!) 9.3 million visitors travel to Mexico annually bringing in approximately 5 Billion dollars in annual revenue therefore the Mexican governments number one priority is keeping its visitors safe and happy. That is on par with Albuquerque. amzn_assoc_asins = "B07DHK25JN,B07GDKQRJY,B0778XLHH9,B077XW8HW6"; Filed Under: Mexico Travel, Travel Resources and Tips, Travel Safety. Driving Your American Registered Vehicle in Mexico requires you to purchase Mexican driving insurance because US car insurance is not valid here. Get it? #pathetic. I was felt more unsafe in Rome than I did in Mexico. Keep your valuables locked up when you leave the hotel. Will be staying at a resort. Mexico has a zero tolerance for drinking and driving. Lets discuss Is it safe to travel to Mexico right now! I am going back in April myself. You enjoy the culture but dont want to experience the culture and food first hand. They are real Pigs in a uniform. I am sure if you were pulled over they had a reason because the police does not pull people over no reason at all. traveling to this beautiful country because you are worried if is Mexico safe. If you are not concerned about Italy or other parts of Europe no need to be concerned about Mexico. advising tourists to stay away from those places? My brother was murdered there 11/9/18. Is it safe for tourists? Official complaints against Uber and other drivers do occur and past disputes between these services and local taxi unions have occasionally turned violent, resulting in injuries to U.S. citizens in some instances, the warning reads. your backwards thinking mindset is mind blowingly irresponsible. Going to Cancun for the first time. They say the kidnapping for ransom rate is high. you sound as if you have been watching too Fox News and the shit hole country theme. And Indianapolis. The more recent map is here. I feel like just staying at the resort and Evan so , question our safety . Do a little research on the destination youre thinking about traveling to and for the love [], [] I stated in my previous articleIs Mexico safe the countries below have the same Tulum travel advisory and most people dont think twice about [], Amazing blog thanks for sharing today on this blog, [] The Costa Maya cruise port is located in Mexico. The west coast also has famous violence problems (American family recently shot there) and sewage issues, Sayulita is famous for giving tourists norovirus and Acupulco has five beaches with the highest level of fecal contamination. exactly! are you riding around in not so nice neighborhoods in the states? We have a time share in cabo, been going to Mexico for years. You have been warned. I went to the grocery store and purchased beer and wine because it was cheaper. This is the worst thing that you can do. If you know you are going to Mexico or any country for that matter you need to have your documents in order. When was the last time you were robbed in Mexico? Killings are daily by local Meth users, which is widely distributed to people in Baja. Im so glad I found is it safe to travel to Mexico. Two tourists were recently kidnapped at a nightclub in Cancun, one was murdered and fed to crocodiles, backing up countless stories posted online of being threatened to buy drugs in nightclubs. Yep, lost me in that 1st paragraph. In fact, Guadalajara is one of the top tourist destinations in Mexico for national tourism (Mexican tourists) for both leisure and business. Just do the math of chances. We are so quick to point the finger at other countries but not at ourselves. Let me do a little research. We are staying at a 4 star resort and have shuttles arranged to and from the airport. When was the last time you visited Mexico? Highways are well-maintained, constantly being improved, and so straight that the slightest curve bristles with warning signs and reflectors. In the last few months, a Senior Police Officer and a Taxi driver were both murdered by drug cartels. There is police protecting visitors. Italy, Europe and a lot of other countries have the same warning level. Level 3: The seven states for which visitors are advised to reconsider travel because of crime are Baja California (Norte), Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, Guanajuato, Jalisco, and Morelos. It is documented and everyone knows it yet the media and many individuals will not agree because they are afraid of being labeled racist. If you're taking public transport or taxis, use only first-class buses and official registered taxis. Just now returning to the US. This is how you know its corrupt!!! Join our Travel Advice & Support FB Group Related: Is it safe to travel to Cancun right now? Taxi drivers are reportedly furious over a court ruling earlier this month that allows Uber to operate in Quintana Roo without a public transport license. The high prices you pay dont trickle down to make the lives of the lowly workers better. Tijuana, located in the northern part of Mexico, is a city. In fact the police chief in Cancun area was recently beheaded by one cartel for taking sides with another. However, traditional motor insurance policies have been criticized for not incentivizing safe driving. Meanwhile, nearly 1,000 U.S. citizens died in Puerto Rico, but did anybody raise a red flag about that? Im from the UK and id only asked 30 days at the border as I didnt want to stay longer. Are you regurgitating what the media wants you to believe or have you had first hand experience with crime in Mexico. No place in Mexico, Latin America or the Caribbean is SAFE for gringos who are regarded fair game like deer hunting season ! Express kidnappings are used to obtain money by forcing their victims to empty their bank accounts. In all I was in jail for 9 hours, they wanted to keep me overnight but I was very scared being a young female traveler. OR SHOULD WE REMAIN AT A RESORT?? I am also on Pinterest so feel free to followPassports and Grubboards and get the latest pin directly. You very well know why, because chopped up tourists stuffed in car trunks are splashed across the evening news. I am so sorry for your loss and I know how that feels because I lost my brother 5 years ago next week. Thank you! Is Puerto Vallarta Safe for American Tourists? I will be traveling to Piedras Negras at the end of this month. I have not stayed at the secrets resorts but let me see what I can find out and I will get back with you. But driving the northern roads around Page prepared us for Baja roads. I have not stayed at an airbnb but my travel colleague whom I trust only stays at airbnb and she just returned from Mexico and Belize and she stayed in airbnb on both trips and she didnt have any issues.
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