There are abortion clinics in Israel. I do not want Bro. Anyway, it is a flat-out lie to say that Baptists hate people, if any Baptist or anyone from any denomination is hating someone, then they are going against what God teaches. Its curable. Parkside Baptist Church is an independent, fundamental, Baptist church located in Mesquite, Texas (a suburb of Dallas). Shouldnt they be thanking the Catholic Church for creating the whole basis for their belief system? Mickey Mantle, an almost mythical baseball star who feared he had failed to fulfill career expectations because of alcohol abuse and whose recent years were haunted by self-recrimination, died of cancer early Sunday. Its the most disgusting thing I could possibly think of., Patrick Boyle, Friendship Baptist Church (Lakemore, OH), October 2020: When the world starts coming in with the homosexual movement or they start coming in with all these filthy wicked things, a lot of times people say, Hey, whats the big deal? Please read the commenting rules before commenting. I mean, by IFB standards, wouldnt the French, Germans, British and Scandinavians be considered heathens, or worse? KJV Ministry Search Ministry began 2017 Website Created: March 22, 2021 Last Update: Feb 14, 2023 - 9:00 PM (Eastern Standard Time) To navigate this site: either scroll down or tap Navigation Box in the upper left corner) - New Postings, 48 hours from the last update Irvington Kentucky, Dry [] Eastover, NC 28312. There are gay pride parades, go down the streets of Jerusalem. While homosexuality and same-sex marriage are denounced by certain other Christian denominations or independent churches, New IFB churches take an extreme position on the issue. Independent Fundamental Baptist churches have fellowship one with the other and often cooperate in such endeavors as evangelism. They hate themselves. I now say I left it all for a higher moral ethic than my faith ever provided. Such beliefs remind me of that wonderful line in Auntie MameLife is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!, Back in my IFB preacher days, I would have quoted you I John 2:15-17. Browse 60+ years of magazine archives and web exclusives. Subscribe below to get sermons weekly that will challenge, inspire, convict and help you on the path of life. So, one either becomes resigned or walks off. "Preach The Word". how do people like him allowed to exist? They are the weaker vesselThats why my daughter will never work. The IFBF is a fellowship of pastors, churches and people who share the common goal of engaging in fellowship to advance the cause of Christ. 1. Copyright 2023 The Life and Times of Bruce Gerencser Powered by Flywheel. The site says it has 13,000 subscribers. (source: YouTube). Perhaps the most well-known Independent Fundamentalist Baptists today are the Duggars, the quiverfull family made famous by the reality show 19 Kids and Counting. Conundrum solved. Any good that happens God gets all the credit. Any hobby like your great photography or bird watching Bruce was definitely suspect as was donating to any secular charity, from a disaster appeal to a puppy rescue shelter! Evidently the Holy Spirit works better if the preacher yells and is theatrical. I believe that HE is still looking for you. No second chances at that point. Theres quite a lot of silent desperation out there. Funny how people mistake the pastor for God. Sheesh, it gets weird at church, doesnt it, yet another twisty-twist to Bible-bangin Christian life. [Update: Paul Chappell blogged on Thursday in response to the recent coverage, saying, We are always saddened to hear of sin and abuse in the Christian world and in Baptist ranks in particular. Bruce left the ministry in 2005, and in 2008 he left Christianity. The larger point, the important point, is that they are hurtful. The New IFBs expansive digital footprint is coupled with a strong emphasis on on-the-ground soul winning efforts to attract people to the movement, as well as the establishment of new churches around the world. Time will tell. Leave them alone! A podcast of preaching from the pulpit of Parkside Baptist Church in Mesquite, Texas. You won't find any soul-winning Methodist churches today. I guess when your numbers are diminishing you have to reevaluate who your supposed enemies are.. Ive been told the evangelicals view Catholics as Pagan worshipers. All of them. It is filled with iniquity; it is a den of iniquity. Visit for more gospel messages. After initially meeting in the Anderson familys living room, the congregation moved into a strip mall a year and a half later as the church membership grew. It is not fair, however, to throw the larger group or denomination under the bus for lack of scriptural action that we as Baptists believe is to be handled by the local church body (Matthew 18), wrote Paul Chappell, senior pastor of the Lancaster Baptist Church and president of West Coast Baptist College, following Schaaps scandal in 2012. . Few of our faith traditions are in the position to cast stones, but all of us need to be aware and take action.. If the Bible is what it says it is, and God is who He says He is, then you have much to fear or, should I say, much to hide from. Visit for more gospel messages. However, they dare not admit their disappointment, or theyll be censured, shunned,etc. All of them. If you believe in the whole Holocaust thing, whatever, but you know I've studied it and I just don't think the math adds up., Unlike many in the evangelical movement, New IFB churches are staunchly anti-Zionist and anti-Israel. It makes me sickTheyre desecrating my Saviour, and Im supposed to love that religion? He is pastor of Faithful Word Baptist . The argument of sigh is the argument of a hateful little child. New IFB ideology promotes the antisemitic notion that Jews today are imposters who are not true Jews described in the Bible. In Their Own Words - Bigoted comments from pastors affiliated with the New IFB movement, video clip of him verbally attacking comedian Sarah Silverman, law enforcement said there was no indication, Andersons primary sanderson1611 channel, separated in 2018 over religious differences, antisemitic documentary released by Anderson and Wittenberger in 2015. All for dramatic effect. Additionally, the Catholic Church uncovered new batches of abuse cases in Philadelphia, Washington D.C., and across the country, leading to another round of criticism over how the church has handled priest misconduct. When I think that my only granddaughter will never be weighted down with feeling she is so deeply flawed that she caused someone to die I realize how horrific and disturbing the system we were raised in truly was. or learn more about us. Previous experience and training are recommended. They still cling to the hope that my apostasy is just a phase, and that I will come back and be a better than ever pastor. Independent fundamental Baptist churches include those loosely affiliated in fellowshipsmore common in the Northas well as those whose pastors may share particular networksmore common in the South Central Baptist Theological Seminary professor Kevin Bauder told Quick to Listen for the CT podcasts explainer on such churches. Justice still must be carried out and the person must still be presumed innocent.. Today we are excited to announce Independent Baptist Churches. It means that the church is Baptist in doctrine and polity, fundamental in its stance on separation, and independent of denominational structures such as American Baptist or Southern Baptist. They are doing the Devils work. Im VERY disappointed in you, Bruce! It was organized in Cicero, Illinois, U.S., in June 1930 as the successor to the American Conference of Undenominational Churches. Being a good member of the church family requires conformity to the pastors (I mean Gods) dictates. Oops, story about that. No IFB churches because we already knew what they were all about no thanks. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. When the store did good financially that day, the asshole who did the finances or the general manager would say Glory to God!, but when we had a slow day they would ask What did you do wrong?. I remember another man who claimed to be saved, and yet was apostate and bitter at God, basically a rebel resigned to hate God because of what He allowed into this mans life. Search firm Vanderbloemen reviewed texts, emails, and videos but did not talk to former staffer who made accusations against Andy Wood. One post recently pushed back against rumor-driven internet justice in the #MeToo era, saying, If 20 people accuse someone of doing the same thing that person is no more guilty than if one person accused. Our government should take them out and stone them to death like they did in the 1600s and the 1700s and the 1800s. And isnt it interesting here tonight that Israel wants to fly that on their flag as their image? Go to college and receive a Christian ministry degree. Get the most recent headlines and stories from Christianity Today delivered to your inbox daily. Thats what Jesus said. And what you have to understand is, this is not a blessing. Cook said that his own two children had attended Camp Joy, which was mentioned in the Star-Telegram investigation as a location where two church volunteers had abused young girls. Dr. Raymond Hancock preached a message entitled "The Lifting.". You may download and distribute these sermons. The longer I run, the more distant Christianity appears behind me. A three-disc DVD set of the conference was made available for purchase online from New IFB-associate Paul Wittenbergers Framing the World website. Will you have to die before your excuses are laid out for all to see? In Canada, for example, a judge ruled in 2020 that a New IFB father should not have a role in the religious and spiritual upbringing of his young children due to the impact that his hateful beliefs could have on them. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. For all their talk about salvation by grace, IFB preachers preach a works gospel. Im really not sure why you are turning away from God and his teachings it is quite sad , Im really not sure why you are turning away from God and his teachings.. Tomorrow their Wheaton College center hosts a one-day conversation on the #metoo and #churchtoo movements, entitled Reflections: A GC2 Summit on Responding to Sexual Harassment, Abuse, and Violence. Regency Baptist Temple. And what does it mean if one likes more than half? A quarter-century has brought great changes to the preaching landscape, and today's list of contributing editors includes names that would have been unknown to most pastors 25 years ago: Rick Warren, Bryan Chapell, James MacDonald, Robert Smith, Dave Stone, James Emery White and Ed Young Jr. (though his pastor dad would have been a good candidate Prior to the films release, the rabbis reported that Anderson misrepresented himself and used deceptive methods to elicit quotes for the film. You enjoy symphony? No doubt, that has happened in some rare instances, but that has not been standard practice, said Smith, who explained that churches have become more legally savvy in their procedures for handling allegations and keeping abusers out of positions of power. Please read If not, Evangelicals are given one opportunity to say whatever it is they believe God has laid upon their hearts. Its as if God is trying to pound the preachers words into their heads. So, if they KNOW Jesus and Jesus is the TRUTH and knowing the TRUTH makes them free, where is the freedom? It is quite sad. (Shucks, this is deranged fun but I claim PK status, special privilege! I believe Romans 6&7 are very clear about our flesh and the battle we have. The conference featured Pastors Anderson, Boyle, Fritts, McMurtry, Mejia, Shelley, Thompson, David Berzins and Joe Major. I am a Christian who reads Harry Potter, plays a video game, listens to a variety of music, and does all sorts of things fundies hate. While tens of thousands flocked to campus, school officials met in a storage closet to make decisions that would honor what is happening.. Once again these prevaricators, who say they believe their book of fairy tales, show they have no idea what their fairy tale tells them. In their heart they know the truth and theyre evil. God hates the IFB movement. Im so glad that my brain found the IFB philosophy so repugnant and crazy that I never even got close to that rabbit hole. The Apostle Paul taught me torun the race that is before me, and that is what I am doing. Thank-you for saying it so well! Our Supporting Partners have received a total of 11,387,875 banner ads as a part of their benefit! A few years earlier, we were members of an IFB church in Okinawa, Japan. Anderson himself also continues to maintain a prominent role among many New IFB pastors and churches. The documentary included not only New IFB pastors, but Jewish rabbis who Anderson claimed confirmed New IFB teachings. In addition to criticizing Judaism as a religion, many New IFB pastors also promote antisemitic tropes about Jewish power and control over sectors like finance, news media and entertainment. Social media has enabled the New IFB movement to reach hundreds of thousands, if not millions, thanks to a tech-savvy strategy that includes daily video and audio content posted to numerous channels and platforms. We will add materials over time making sure that the materials are perfectly suited to a church's need. KJV Church Directory. Then poof the thrill is gone, along with the dread. Please take time to browse around the site and check back often to see what's been added! From such turn away! This means that IFB churches do not look to creeds, confessions, or church councils to determine their doctrinal positions. When you think of it, even getting married was a sign of human weakness, wasnt it You should have given up your attachments, your touchy-feel-y needs, your worry about lunch and dinner! They will not participate, as a church, in any outside function with churches which do not also strictly base their faith and practice on the New Testament. Soul-winning is not limited to the regions surrounding a New IFB church location. The AFBF is a loosely organized group of Baptist preachers contributing into a monthly fund that is used to support new church planting in Arkansas. She is a God-hating whore of Zionism. Despite the lack of formal denominational ties or hierarchy, the Star-Telegram described systemic, widespread abuse in independent fundamental Baptist churches, noting Bible college networks and pastor friendships tie leaders together. . If it happens, it must be dealt with scripturally and legally. Islam is a wicked religionThis is a major world religion that many people have been duped and deceived by. 163 jobs. See also Luke 13:6-9 I. The report indicates there are at least 6,000 independent fundamental Baptist churches in the US, according to one online directory. Independent Baptist Churches believe the following "Independent Baptist Distinctives": 1. Theyre literally of Satan. "Why there were no pastors the first 150 years of the Church and not one in the Book of Acts". High heels were a definite no-no as were bright colours, denim and hair dye. The Senior Pastor is to serve as the primary teacher/preacher for the . Sometimes no argument is warranted because nothing can penetrate the different mindset. The spread of New IFB content online has translated into an offline influence around the world. If one can use facts to finally disprove the Bible to the point that it loses its hold on you, at least the above pressures are removed. SEVEN LIES OF THE INDEPENDENT BAPTISTPart One. Bruce Gerencser, 65, lives in rural Northwest Ohio with his wife of 44 years. YouTube is a particularly popular platform for New IFB churches, with dozens of channels actively posting New IFB-related content and frequently drawing thousands of views per video. Jehovahs Witness: satanic., Bruce Mejia, Faithful Word Baptist Church Los Angeles (El Monte, CA), November 2018: Those who love every religion are not learning the precepts of GodIm talking about this attitude, this ecumenical, kumbaya Christianity, where if someone names the name of Christ and theyre automatically in the club. Meetings, forums, retreats, dinners and conferences gather together pastors and people from around the state of Indiana in order to share . Self! Salary package begins at $46,600. I suggested he could bring this brother in to teach and maybe some of his members could take classes as well. Sermons are not owned or copyrighted by NVBC. It must never be tolerated or condoned.. Although there are different ideas about how it should be structured, every spiritual leader needs genuine opportunities for fellowship, transparency, and accountability.. Fifteen years before, Schaaps predecessor and father-in-law Jack Hyles was sued, along with the church, for failing to protect a woman who alleged she was raped multiple times while attending Sunday school there, CT reported. The world is evil. There is no going back. Our government should take them out and stone them to death.. Our goal here has always been to provide encouragement and resources for independent Baptists. If bad things happen or someone screws up, it is all on IFB church members. I mean, shell work at the house, but shes never gonna work a secular job. Afterward, Mejia and other New IFB pastors quickly blamed these so-called sodomite protesters for the bombing, however, law enforcement said there was no indication that the protesters were linked to the bombing. Shaking Out Its Internal Despair Follow Us Faith-based The New. Multiple New IFB pastors have promoted Make America Straight Again conferences in recent years. Why? It took decades to get out, but life, simply life, is deeply and wonderfully satisfying without that list. . Sermon Outline / By Pastor Shiflett. Oh dear, we are in trouble. Unlike the Catholic Church, the fundamental Baptist church considers itself to be made up of independent entities. Preach the Bible is a ministry of North Valley Baptist Church. Because if you executed the homos like God recommends, you wouldn't have all this AIDS running rampant., Dillon Awes, Shield of Faith Baptist Church (Boise, ID), September 2019: Theres nothing more disgusting and wicked and vile than a homosexualI cannot fathom anything more disgusting than being a sodomite. Independent Baptist Churches Baptist Churches Churches & Places of Worship. Or do the IFB churches not know that they exist? Since breaking from that movement, Anderson has criticized traditional IFB pastors and other Baptists who are, in his opinion, too scared of the reaction they might receive to preach the hard truths of the Bible. New IFB pastors boast of their ability to outsmart technology companies efforts to deplatform their hate speech by constantly reuploading content to new channels. Shady Acres Baptist Church August Campmeeting, The Secret of Daily Victory Over Sin, R.A. Torrey, Corn in Egypt; Famine in Canaan, John McNeill, A Plan for Getting Things Done, George Mueller. New IFB pastors and their congregations often join together for these marathons., An advertisement for a Soul-Winning Mega-Marathon in 2018. We will add more written sermons as time permits. Like their documentaries, conferences are another channel through which some New IFB pastors collaborate and spread their bigoted beliefs. He has encouraged other New IFB pastors to also utilize this strategy. Oh man, Im gonna teach this guy one thing or two. I could not imagine saddling her with a thought so heinous. Im not downplaying them; Im not degrading them. APOSTATEDAUGHTER, very eloquent truth! Pulpit pounding. New IFB pastors have repeatedly advocated for members of the LGBTQ community to be killed or to kill themselves, including specifically calling for LGBTQ people to be executed by the government. 1. Theyre not done. Virtually every fallen thought that comes into your head is another nail through Jesus! (And we were Pentecostals, with our own long list.) You know, let them use the word marriage, we dont care about that. Well, you think that as soon as they get the word marriage, you think theyre done? Its wickedSome kid walking in there with eyeliner on and makeup and hes taking all these hormones and he walks into a girls locker room because I identify as a girl. They ought to take that little queer out and stone him. And then they take them, and they make them feel accepted into their lifestyle, and they brainwash that child into that lifestyle and into that and make them feel accepted, and they try to recruit those children. See? Many false accusers rose up against Christ but that did not make Him guilty. I hate those that blaspheme his name., Steven Anderson, Faithful Word Baptist Church (Tempe, AZ), February 2013: Today we have womens rightsWhat do you think they mean when they say womens rights?The right to rebel and disobey your husband, the right to divorce him, the right to go out and get a job and make your own money, the right to tell him what to do, the right to go vote for our leadersas if women should have any say in how our country is run., Grayson Fritts, All Scripture Baptist Church (Knoxville, TN), April 2018: Very early on it is drilled in little girls heads that theyre equal with boys: you can do anything that you want to do, youre just as good as a boy, you can do things better than a boy. They have their gender identity blurred from birthGod wants women to get married, to have children, and to guide the house. The stereotype of women in long skirts and the Bible limited to KJV versions is often true.. Chicago magazine went on to find more than a dozen men with ties to the congregation who had been arrested or sued for abuse while in ministry positions across the country. Whats he supposed to say? Go read some Bart Ehrman!. In more recent years, multiple internal disputes have fractured the movement, leading some pastors to split from their previous association with Anderson, though the churches maintain similar doctrinal beliefs. Within our churches, we are very aware this is becoming a public issue, Cook said in an interview with CT. Many Baptist churches are setting policies around children to try and prevent abuse and make it more difficult for predators to do those things. Our pastor started a bible institute. Controversy erupted in 2019 surrounding Grayson Fritts, the New IFB pastor of All Scripture Baptist Church in Knoxville and a 20-year employee of the Knox County (TN) Sheriffs Office, after local media reported on a sermon in which Fritts called for the government to execute members of the LGBTQ community. Independent Baptist Directory of Churches. Smith referenced abuse scandals among independent Baptists and others in an article earlier this year, urging leaders to immediately report allegations to authorities and remove the accused from positions of influence while cases undergo investigation. Destructive Behaviors - Church Destroyers Part 2 (Lesson #28) 3 John 1:9-12 00:00 00:00 Preached by Dr. Jeff Owens on March 21, 2018 ( Wednesday Evening ). Subscribe below to get sermons weekly that will challenge, inspire, convict and help you on the path of life. Is it any wonder that people raised in such an environment have low self-esteem? The Lifting - Dr. Raymond Hancock. An Independent Baptist church is a Baptist church that is not affiliated with denominational structures such as the Southern Baptist Convention, the American Baptist Church, and the General Association of Regular Baptists.
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