Box: 5 Teachers College, Columbia University 528 West 121st St., Room 1161 New York, New York 10027-6696. | I was asked this question too, "Who is the one person you admire most and why? | Report Response NYU Steinhardt Speech-Language-Hearing Clinic I have an interview for New York Medical's SLP graduate program on Wednesday. Those in charge of selecting the right candidates for a speech-language . More from this Member Why NYMC?" Why medicine? . The 15 Best Speech-Language Pathology Programs in the US - College Gazette | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member Social Sciences at least 2 courses Acceptable courses in social/behavioral sciences should include psychology, sociology, anthropology, or public health. I played abroad at a social club instead. | I was asked this question too, "any red flags" More from this Member If it is far above, the school may assume they are your safety school and that you wont attend if they offer an acceptance. | Report Response New York Medical Interview - Speech-Language Pathology Forum - The More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member Interview Feedback The courses. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What does the term 'medically underserved' mean to you?" Indiana University's Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences offers an MA in Speech-Language Pathology in which students can earn a certificate of clinical completion, allowing for licensure in all 50 states. | I was asked this question too, "How is the geography in Chicago laid out? | I was asked this question too, "The questions were all pretty standard." Students who have a speech requirement may satisfy it either by passing a Speech Proficiency Test or by passing Speech SPCH 11100 or SPCH 00308. | I was asked this question too, "Why did you pick your undergraduate university? Speech-Language Pathology - Speech-Language Pathologist More from this Member The credits must include courses as follows: acoustics of speech, language and hearing, anatomy and physiology of the speech . Get hired today! | I was asked this question too, "Are there any red flags on your application?" | I was asked this question too, "What was your favorite part of the ballet "Gizelle?"" Pay. | Report Response | Report Response Student Outcome 1.1. More from this Member Physical Sciences at least 1 course Acceptable courses in physics or chemistry. (3) Founder, SHSP Overseas Programs in Speech-Language Pathology (4) (1) New York Medical College: teach courses in dysphagia, medical management; modules in bilingualism, least-biased . | I was asked this question too, "Why do you want to be a doctor? More from this Member We talked about my research and clinical experiences. What are some UNIQUE aspects of NYMC that are attractive to you?" | Report Response SDN Ranking identifies how SDN members perceive the quality of a school relative to other schools of the same type (e.g., other Medical Schools, other Dental schools, etc.). | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member The College traces its history to 1860 when it was founded in New York City. | I was asked this question too, "What is your favorite book?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Why am I better than my undergraduate grades?" However, the most interesting question was: ''How would you integrate public health principles into a medical practice.''" Statistics Course at least 1 course Research methodology courses in communication sciences and disorders (CSD) may not be used to satisfy this requirement. Speech Pathologist Job Poughkeepsie New York USA,Healthcare More from this Member More from this Member It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. Master of Science in Communicative Sciences and Disorders. | Report Response Speech-Language Pathology | Office of the Professions - New York State | I was asked this question too, ""Tell me about your AMCAS activities"" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "What was the msot intersting/memorable case you saw while in the PICU? | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "What do you think the names on my calendar represent?" | Report Response CAA-ASHA accredited. | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response, "Not much! 2) Why New York Medical College? | I was asked this question too, "The interviewer was very interested in my current graduate school program and asked a lot of specific questions about the coursework and class attendance." | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Discuss the pros and cons of universal healthcare." More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response 58. | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "None, very standard questions, but the interviewer kind of wanted me to initiate telling him about myself since the interview was closed file" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Any red flags I should know about?" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "About my major" | I was asked this question too, "How does religion affect your daily life?" a required question" Speech-Language Pathology - Rehabilitation Medicine - NewYork-Presbyterian More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about yourself." | Report Response All the questions were very straightforward getting to know you type things." | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member Programs headline | Brooklyn College More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member New York Medical College Interview Feedback | Student Doctor Network | I was asked this question too, "I interviewed a long time ago but forgot to post. | I was asked this question too, "Do you think it's ethical to kill animals for the purpose of research?" | I was asked this question too, "Pick an ethical issue facing doctors (i didn't even have to explain that much about it)" | I was asked this question too, "What made you decide to go into medicine?" Bioethics Program Doctor . | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member The free classes are taught throughout the year by certified FDNY EMS personnel at various locations. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Talk about your family" More from this Member That kind of stuff." | I was asked this question too, "None. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "We had more of a conversation then real questions." | I was asked this question too, "How come you want to leave the West Coast?" | I was asked this question too, "Have you done research? | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Name your two greatest strengths, and don't be modest." More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your life.. start from the beginning." in SLP with a concentration in one of the two areas. More from this Member More from this Member Applicant must satisfy minimum requirements for admission as well as those required by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association for admission to graduate study in Speech-Language Pathology. | Report Response New York Medical College - Wikipedia More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "What cities did you travel to on your W. European traveling seminar?" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Describe your research in detail" More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "What do you think will be the hardest for you in the transition between college and medical school?" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member Is there anything you want me to tell them about you?" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member NYMC is located in Westchester County, New York, in the picturesque Hudson Valley region just 30 minutes north of . | I was asked this question too, "Asked about extracurricular activities." | I was asked this question too, ""Now, you went to college where?"" | I was asked this question too, "standard questions, nothing too exciting" | Report Response, "Please be more responsive to emails and helpful when students have trouble scheduling their intervie" More from this Member Medical Specialist, Healthcare Consultant, Clinic, Rehabilitation. | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member Location: Midtown. | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "So what do you want to know?" | Report Response, "Lessen waiting time for response to less than 10 weeks. The FDNY Free CPR Program offers New Yorkers a 30-minute class on compressions-only CPR (please note, this program does not offer CPR certification at this time). | Report Response 66 - 78 credits are required for the master's degree in speech-language pathology with a specialization in early intervention. Speech-Language Pathologists - New York Health Careers | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "If you could cure any one disease, what would it be and why?" | I was asked this question too, "Questions specific to my transcript." | Report Response The clinical practicum sequence occurs across all semesters of the program. Overview | I was asked this question too, "The generals: | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Tell me more about a specific summer activity you participated in." | I was asked this question too, "Wut research have you done?" More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What were the reasons for chosing my undergrad institution?" More from this Member Why not a school in Michigan (my home state)?" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "All the questions were expected and if you read the other interview questions for NYMC, you should be ok b/c since this is a close filed interview, you spend most of the time talking while the interviewer jots down notes." | I was asked this question too, "* When did you decide to be an MD? New York University's Speech@NYU. Why would you chose NYMC over X Medical School?" More from this Member how did you learn about us? | I was asked this question too, "Why medicine and not research?" | Report Response It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-administered programs. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "I was asked about specific things in my personal statement as he read through it." | I was asked this question too, "talk about some recent news in science and medicine?" | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Did you apply to any off-shore medical schools?" | Report Response, "Find interviewers who know more about the school. | Report Response More from this Member what do your parents do?" | Report Response Reaction score. | Report Response Online Master of Arts in Speech-Language Pathology. . Would you do it?"" | Report Response Listing for: Danbury Health Systems. | I was asked this question too, "What skills do you have that you believe would make you a good physician?" More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Are there any red flags in your application?" | Report Response | Report Response Basically the interviewer just went through my file and asked me to explain everything I did (volunteer work, etc.)" More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Interview was conversational. | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Explain water polo - I have never heard of that sport!" | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Nothing too interesting" | Report Response Some even provide a hybrid approach that allows for a combination of . | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about yourself" | I was asked this question too, "Why do you want to go to NYMC?" This program is also offered online. | I was asked this question too, "Nothing really, typical stuff" | I was asked this question too, "none" | Report Response What was it like seeing you parents for the first time? The application fee at New York Medical College is $130. | Report Response | Report Response some ppl were supposedly grilled by diff interviewers, so really it depends on your luck!" How do you think you will react to sick people? | I was asked this question too, "Are there any red flags in your file?" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "only amcas stuff" More from this Member (I talked about access, malpractice insurance, and for-profit insurers)" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "When did you first decide that you wanted to be a doctor?" | I was asked this question too, "Explain your research. | Report Response School Reviews | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about how you fit into your family." be prepared to do the work and bring out diff parts of your app on your own. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What is a current topic of importance in medicine today?" | I was asked this question too, "Why NYMC? More from this Member More from this Member . More from this Member More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "what is the biggest problem facing health care today?" | I was asked this question too, "What are the major healthcare issues facing us today?" | I was asked this question too, "What did you enjoy most about your undergraduate institution?" It was more of an interesting conversation." (I was so at ease!!)" | I was asked this question too, "Nothing." | I was asked this question too, "Nothing in particular. | Report Response Prerequisite courses do not need to be completed in order to apply to the program; however, all prerequisite courses must be satisfactorily completed prior to starting the program. | Report Response Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences - Lehman College | I was asked this question too, "Why I thought opioid abuse was prevelant in rural areas (taken aback by this question but was on topic)." | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Why NYMC? More from this Member Any advice is super helpful! Most speech pathology master's degrees are completed within 2 to 3 years. | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "we spoke a lot about my thesis, and she asked some really interesting questions." Who raised you? | I was asked this question too, "nothing really" | I was asked this question too, "Why did you major in European History?" More from this Member More from this Member Additionally, the program supports unique initiatives that provide students with enhanced learning opportunities: Explore this site to learn more about us. | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "family questions- do you have siblings? | I was asked this question too, "Since you are from the West and are active in outdorr athletics, how do you feel about moving to the East?" More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your experience with HIV/AIDS in Asia." | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "nothing really interesting. why do you want to be a doctor; tell me about yr research experience, extracurricular activities; follow up questions to my answers)" All states require that speech-language pathologists be licensed. There are two sets of prerequisite requirements that must be completed prior to beginning the program. | I was asked this question too, "Why New York? More from this Member This unique opportunity, already building on a medically oriented SLP program, will give students an advanced and marketable degree tailored to their field. | I was asked this question too, "Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Why do you think the patient kept coming back to the ER? More from this Member Licensure requirements vary by state but typically include clinical experience and passing an exam. More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Why medicine" | I was asked this question too, "what ugrad school, what was your major, explanation about a history/biology connection" | I was asked this question too, ""Tell me about your research (or insert one other activity listed"?" very relaxed." | I was asked this question too, "What is your hometown?" | I was asked this question too, "Was there literature before the Guttenberg Bible?" 15 Best Speech Pathology Master's Programs More from this Member They will also be responsible for all paperwork associated with iHOPE's Graduate Program and completion of a final project. Speech Therapist - Urgent Position at Mission Regional Medical Center More from this Member | Report Response Was it different? | Report Response Department of Pathology | NYU Langone Health | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your research Do you enjoy research?" More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "I was quite surprised by the friendliness of the admissions staff, the students and my generous hosts. | I was asked this question too, "What would you say is the cause of teen pregnancy, ie parents' or school's fault?" More from this Member No specific questions really. More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Define diff between ethics and morals" | Report Response | Report Response The test, given by appointment, should be taken in the freshman or sophomore year or upon transfer to the College, so that any necessary improvement can be accomplished before graduation. The Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit at NewYork-Presbyterain Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center accepts 12-week student clinical affiliations in Speech-Language Pathology. 4 Year,NEW YORK, NY,2318 Niche users give it an average review of 3.5 stars. | Report Response We talked about my undergrad experience and family life and motivation." . More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Describe yourself. " More from this Member I told her I hardly played once I got to college because I wasn't very good but loved the sport. | I was asked this question too, "n/a The interview was almost more like a discussion really" More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "What field of medicine will you be in in 15 years?" More from this Member Students typically complete the program in 5 consecutive semesters. New York Medical College has affiliations with excellent teaching hospitals in Westchester, New York City, the Hudson Valley and Connecticut. $45,426. | Report Response More from this Member More from this Member (This turned into a chicken/egg-type conversation)" Prepares you to become a certified speech-language pathologist or enter a doctoral program. We had a infomal discussion about basic questions, like why you want to be a doctor and why this NYMC. | Report Response Alumi are great, but when they have been out of sc" More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Would you go to Cornell if you got in there?" Apply to Speech Language Pathologist, Speech Pathologist, Pathology Assistant and more! More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "is there anything else you like to add about your self?" | I was asked this question too, "it was very unstructured..talked about my research and current job. Check out SDN's library of webinars on YouTube. Interview Tips for Pre-Health Students; Dentistry. while in the orthopedists office?" | I was asked this question too, "Why NY Med?" | Report Response How come you didn't apply last year?" | I was asked this question too, "none. | Report Response How did you adjust? Job specializations: Healthcare. More from this Member Posted 2:41:37 PM. | I was asked this question too, "Why did you chose your undergraduate institution?" My interviewer just wanted to get to know me. More from this Member | Report Response, "Be more enthusiastic. All applicants are required to apply online through CSDCAS. More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member More from this Member
More from this Member | Report Response The curriculum accommodates students who do not have an undergraduate degree in SLP. | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response At this point I asked if there would be any questions about my academics, but he only had a list of activities with him and stated that he just wanted to get to know me. These objectives include not only the traditional knowledge and skills required of a physician, but also the values and attitudes a physician needs to practice medicine in an ethical and compassionate way. Upon graduation in two years, students who complete these tracks will receive an M.S. | I was asked this question too, "All the questions were very standard. NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATORY POLICY AS TO STUDENTSThe New York Medical College admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the college. This rotation consists of a combination of inpatient and outpatient medically based experiences designed to provide students with a wide variety of foundational skills in medically based speech-language pathology. Then a followup question about why I moved from Brooklyn to Cali." More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Did you consider taking a year off?" | Report Response | Report Response Contact NYSED . RISING DEMAND In 1999, NYMC introduced its master's degree program in speech-language pathology, and in 2012, the program's faculty opened a low-cost, not-for-profit New York Medical College 25 | Report Response It has a mid-size graduate student body with an enrollment of 1,462 graduate students. Online Masters in Speech Pathology at Emerson College (sponsored program) Online Masters in Speech Pathology at New York University (sponsored program) . | I was asked this question too, "What is your name? More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Are there any red flags that I should tell the admissions commettee about you. " | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Why NYMC/What do you like about this school? | I was asked this question too, "Was an interesting interview, pretty relaxed and straight forward. | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "None really, pretty standard. " Speech and Language Graduate Student Internship Job in New York, NY at YAI American Speech-Language-Hearing Association | ASHA More from this Member How do you see yourself helping people in 10 years?" | I was asked this question too, "What kind of clinical experience I have" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about your family/parents. | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "What do you think is the biggest issue facing physicians?" More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response More from this Member | Report Response why nymc?)" " More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Why NYMC?" | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "the questions were pretty standard." Listed on 2023-03-04. Any physicians in family?" CUNY Hunter College. 16 reviews. | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Tell me about some of your extra-curricular activities. " More from this Member More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "Who is your favorite composer?" You'll look better." | Report Response | Report Response | Report Response | I was asked this question too, "Nothing unexpected." | Report Response More from this Member | I was asked this question too, "How did you choose your undergraduate school?" More from this Member | Report Response, "They are very nice so i have no issues" | I was asked this question too, "I wasn't really asked any questions." | I was asked this question too, "just a casual conversation" | I was asked this question too, "How would you describe yourself?" More from this Member | Report Response | Report Response More from this Member School of Health Sciences and Practice (SHSP), American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA), See full non-discrimination statement with contact info.
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