The sway and influence Waterdeep has on the rest of the realm has many individuals considering it the capital of the continent, even though Waterdeep rarely deals with or governs affairs outside of the Sword Coast. Waterdeep | Tales from the Countryside | Obsidian Portal The House of Wonder - Mystra. Dungeons and Dragons Campaigns | Fossworld Wikia - Fandom A Forger's Guide to Waterdeep - Dungeon Masters Guild ... The information is taken from the City of Splendors Boxed Set. A Bicycle?! : WaterdeepDragonHeist - reddit The Shrines of Nature (temple, 2 floors) 6: Emveolstone Villa (noble . The largest of the temples in the city is dedicated to Tempus, the Lord of . The Tower of Luck - Tymora. . New Olamn's Academy of Music (Castle Ward) 3. . The House of Heroes:Temple to Tempus. A walled and forested complex that holds unpretentious 'shrines' the size of some small temples to Mielikki (called 'The Lady's Hands') and Silvanus (called 'the Fathergrove'). . For some, this can be overwhelming, so here is a guide to some of things you will need to know if you're going to be spending time in The City of Splendours. Waterdeep remains a predominantly human city, although representatvies of nearly every intelligent race make their home within its walls. Adventures and quests should be taken on a whim and life should be filled with good times and laughter. Loviatar (Loh- VEE -a-tar), one of the Dark Gods, appears in her religion's art as a pale maiden dressed in white, pleated armor and carrying a bone-white wand, a whip, or a scourge that she uses as a weapon against her foes. Newer posts 2768 Assets 36.25w x 42.25d x 24.25h. The adventure begins with a search through Misty Forest for the location of the source of evil, then a descent into a dungeon to eliminate it. The following pages describe the most prominent members . Umberlee (pronounced uhm-ber- LEE ), also referred to as The Bitch Queen, was the evil sea goddess in the Faerûnian pantheon. Most Faerûnian humans believe the moon to be the goddess herself watching over the world and the lights that trail behind it to be her tears, from both joy . The Temple of Beauty - Sune. The park is closed to all except residents of the Sea Ward. A room, corner, small building, or tree dedicated to the worship of a deity of your choice who will receive praise and possibly answer prayers. Shrines of Mielikki and Silvanus in Waterdeep; they are often lumped together under this title.However, the shrine of Mielikki has its own name —The Lady's Hands— so it's detailed under its own entry, and this one will refer mostly to the shrine of Silvanus. It also contained some of . Yet from beyond the iron fence that surrounds it, you can catch glimpses of the superb shrines, statues, and fountains within. Ogden, played by Shamini Bundell Gertie, played by Chris Hislop Old Jorgie, played by Shaun Smith Enoch the Vague, played by Liz Drake Pip, played by Tom Jancis The party for Flustered in the Faewild all meet at the Seelie Court, which is inside a giant tree (with leaves as a turn . While the shrine dedicated to Silvanus was known by many names, including Seatrees Shrine, the Green Garden, the Quiet Place, and Oakenshade House. 6 Dwarven Clans: Battlehammer, Blackbanner, Bucklebar, Foehammer, Horn, and Stoneshield; 44 Trade Guilds: Everything from the Apothecaries & Physicians Guild to the Wheelwrights' Guild. Greater Good. . Favorite Food Honeycake with orosk jam—a sweet elven honeycake topped with a spiced jam made from orosk, a golden-skinned citrus common to the hidden elven realm of Evereska • The Queenspire - a temple complex fronting the harbor in Waterdeep. However, there is some overlap . Temple of the Golden Leaf - A training ground for up and coming paladins and clerics. 2 Cities: Skullport, Waterdeep. Shrine. A mythal's nature can only be warped or changed, and that can be accomplished only through the use of magical energy equal to that required for its creation. A History of Waterdeep: Age One, . It was DMed by Emma Sheard. The Shrines of Nature - Mielikki & Silvanus. She was most often worshiped by sailors or people traveling by sea, out of fear of her destructive powers. the tallest tower of any temple in the city, rising some time. Waterdeep is approximately 3.8 miles x 1.5 miles. Umberlee does have a large number of shrines in the coastal cities, and sailors often leave flowers or small candies at them in hopes that she will spare them on their next voyage. This temple complex was located in . Guide to Waterdeep Waterdeep is a vibrant and diverse City with many different customs and peoples living in its borders. Alignment: chaotic evil. A comprehensive list of all official spells for Fifth Edition. The Font of Knowledge: Temple to Oghma. • Dungeon of the Mad Mage is the second of two Dungeons & Dragons books set in Waterdeep. Court of the White Bull (Trades Ward) Guild War Waterdeep's guilds furiously protect their trades for the good of their members. The gardens contain floral displays, beautiful fountains, and expertly cut hedges. The temples and shrines of Waterdeep are: The Shrines of Nature (Temple of Mielikki and Silvanus) Temple of Beauty (Temple of Sune) Tower of Luck (Temple of Tymora) House of Wonder (Temple of Mystra) The House of Inspired Hands (Temple of Gond) The House of the Moon (Temple of Selûne) The House of Heroes (Temple of Tempus) To join a guild, one must possess a background, a proficiency, or a status that the guild values. Cost: 60 gp / 100 gp. The Temple of Beauty - Sune. Note: The history listed in the first . Eloéle is a subtle goddess. Selûne is the goddess of the moon in the Faerûnian pantheon. Castle Waterdeep stands above the city on a great bluff that extends out from the mountain, its towers soaring hundreds of feet into the sky. The Shrines of Nature - Mielikki & Silvanus. • The Priory of the Depths - a shrine complex north of Port Llast. Dais of the Ancestral Spirit Guardians - This long stone platform at the center of the village is the . Waterdeep's most prominent guilds appear are shown below. Elves love nature and magic, art and artistry, music and poetry. The Shrines of Nature (Waterdeep) The Silverglen (Silvermoon) Sune Dawndancer House (Silverymoon) Firehair Hall (Riatavin) Firehair's House (Selgaunt) Flame Stone (West of Drawn Swords) House of Firehair (Daerlun) The Consecrate (Suldolphor) The House of Firehair (Daerlun) The House of Revels (Ordulin) The Temple of Beauty (Waterdeep) Castle Ward. What is the population of Waterdeep? She is venerated by torturers, sadists, and other twisted and evil people and creatures, including some nonhumans who . The Tower of the Morning in Telpir, run by High Radiance Durneth Seafarer, is the second most prominent of his temples, though much simpler in design than the Spires of the Morning. The population of the city itself is approximately 130,000, but more than one million people make their home within Waterdeep's territory.The city sprawls northward from the sea, spreading along the flanks of Mount Waterdeep, a great and singular mountain. Jade Dancer (Southern Ward) 6. Castle Waterdeep stands above the city on a great bluff that extends out from the mountain, its towers soaring hundreds of feet into the sky. He does not believe in saving those who can't save themselves as it is nature's way . Large towers and palatial homes are built incorporating the ruins of the fortresses built by the pirates who founded the old city. While the shrine dedicated to Silvanus is known by many names, including Seatrees Shrine, the Green Garden, the Quiet Place, and Oakenshade House. She was most often worshiped by sailors or people traveling by sea, out of fear of her destructive powers. The shrine of Tempus is a new addition to the town, and its priest, Baergon Bluesword, is a recent addition to the community. The Shrines of Nature:Shrines to Mielikki and Silvanus. Take a look at the many religions that Waterdeep supports as well as the strange philosophies of it citizenry. The deities of other Dungeons & Dragons campaign settings, including those of the default (or "core") setting for the Dungeons & Dragons game, are not generally a part of Forgotten Realms. Coins Exchange Rate Nib - One copper coin (CP) Smallest currency. She is most often worshipped by sailors or people travelling by sea, out of fear for her destructive powers. Quoorin is a wood elf fighter. The Shrines of Nature (Sea Ward) Shrine of . She deceives as naturally as others breathe; those who lie by design or habit also take her as their patron. Main article: Church of Umberlee . NPCs NPCs NPCs placed here for ease of reference: The Road to Hommlett Waterdeep / Brewery Gang The Crew of the Sea Wvyern The Barrow of the Forgotten King Dead out of play PCs (NPCs that are friendly to the PCs and have possibly had their Character Sheets handed over by the GM for playing in the larger encounters) The Crew of the Sea Wvyern Waterdeep / Brewery Gang . Umberlee (pronounced uhm-ber-LEE ), also referred to as The Bitch Queen, is the evil sea goddess in the Faerûnian pantheon. The dead of Misty Forest is a Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition adventure for 9-11th level adventurers. Just a short ride west of Phandalin on the Triboar Trail, where it meets the High Road, more . For example, a character with the sailor background is welcome to join the Master Mariners' Guild. Shrines to Nature (Sea Ward) 5. For this reason it is considered part of the Western Heartlands of the Realms, even though it lies 150 miles north of Daggerford on the shores of the Sword Coast. Waterdeep is a bustling metropolis and center of trade. A walled and forested complex that holds unpretentious "shrines" the size of some small temples to Mielikki (called "The Lady's Hands") and Silvanus (called "the Fathergrove"). Eloéle (eh-LOW-eh-lay) is the lady of the night and the mistress of thieves, spies, and others who hide their activities from view. Lurue teaches that life is there to be lived, and one should live it with zest and flair. Yet from beyond the iron fence that surrounds it, you can catch glimpses of the superb shrines, statues, and fountains within. The House of Inspired Hands - Gond. Lurue (pronounced luh-RUE), also known as the Unicorn Queen or the Queen of Talking Beasts, is a chaotic good archfey who is often worshiped as a goddess of intelligent and talking beasts. The park is closed to all except residents of the Sea Ward. If you are staying in Waterdeep for any longer than a month, register with the magisters for taxation or you may find yourself violating the code legal. By law, there are no active thieves' guilds in Waterdeep. Flustered in the Faewild was a 12-part campaign that ran in the third quarter of 2021. She is most often worshiped by sailors or people traveling by sea, out of fear for her destructive powers. . The . Umberlee is an evil sea goddess in the Faerûnian pantheon, in the fictional setting of Forgotten Realms. The Church of Umberlee. Banshee at Bay. Spires of the Morning - temple to Lathander, god of the dawn and renewal. This information is intended for use with the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game.. At a Glance. The Shrines of Nature: Shrines to Mielikki and Silvanus. . He believes it is each person's responsibility to make the most happiness for the whole group. The House of the Moon - Sel ne. She controlled the harshness of the sea while reveling in her own power and was not . Get your D&D Timeline here! communities; the kalashtar observe the Path of Light, and the Undying Court guides the elves of Aerenal. The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan: Temple . Quoorin is always picking things up, absently fiddling with them, and sometimes accidentally breaking them. Finally, Xanathar in the Spring is the perfect scenario. The ward was delimited by the Trollwall on the north and west, by Julthoon Street to the south, and by Shield Street to the east, extending to the High Road north of Vondil Street. Shrines of Nature Temple of Beauty Tower of Luck Spires of the Morning - a temple to Lathander in the Sea Ward near the northern spur of Mount Waterdeep in Waterdeep. The largest of the temples in the city is dedicated to Tempus, the Lord . Each alcove has a shrine to a different god in the pantheon. Many statues decorate the area including large marble statues to the Open Lords Baeron and Lhestyn. House of Heroes (Sea Ward) 4. Back to: Temples Religion Sea Ward Waterdeep Setting. The ward contained the Field of Triumph, Heroes' Garden and the Sea's Edge Beach. Owner: Take 1 Cleric ( ) or 1 Fighter ( ) from the supply and place it in your Tavern. She controls the harshness of the sea and, revelling in her own power, she is not hesitant in drowning people at sea, if she so pleases. Roll a d6 to determine the destination: 1. 78 Noble Houses: Everyone from Adarbrent to Zun. He feels far more comfortable around animals than people. by PseudoWyvern. It also contained some of the city's largest temples. Baldur's Gate is a metropolis and city-state on the Sword Coast on the north bank of the river Chionthar about twenty miles east from its mouth on the Sea of Swords.It is to the south of the great city-state of Waterdeep and to the north of the country of Amn, and is located along the well-travelled Coast Way road. The House of Heroes - Tempus. Shrine of Nature - shrine to nature deities, including Silvanus, Mielikki, and Gwaeron Windstrom. Waterdeep, known as the City of Splendors, is one of D&D's most iconic locations. The gardens contain floral displays, beautiful fountains, and expertly cut hedges. If you are looking for Managing the Business side of the Trollskull Manor head to Running the Business. The Shrines to Nature are twin parks dedicated to the gods of nature, Mielikki and Silvanus. Tower of Luck - temple to Tymora, goddess of luck. The House of Heroes: Temple to Tempus. Dungeons and Dragons (D&D) Fifth Edition (5e) Spells. They are all deities that appear in the fictional Forgotten Realms campaign setting of the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game. The gods don't manifest physically, but people of faith believe that divine forces shape everyday life. Druid enclaves are similar, with a grassy clearing surrounded by cairns or standing stones--each one is a shrine devoted to different nature-spirits. Post navigation. She controls the harshness of the sea and while reveling in her own power, is not hesitant to drown people, if she so pleases. He is there mostly for the Waterdeep troops, but many other militia members and adventurers who had to fight in the Dragonspear invasion have developed an interest in Tempus, and his small shrine is becoming crowded. . Piety in the City The Holyhands House in the North Ward caters for all religions and faiths, but several deities have their own temples and shrines. The Shrines to Nature, just a block away from the seventy-five feet above the street. It also houses some of the most impressive temples in the City, including the Shrines to Nature (Mielikki and Silvanus) and the . They tend to remain aloof and unfazed by petty happenstance, and they trust in diplomacy and compromise to resolve differences before they escalate to violence. breeze. I kept Manshoon in Winter, as I liked the bleak nature of his story to coincide with the gloomy nature of the season. Tower of the Moon - temple to Selune, goddess of . Giving the demonic, gothic, and scary nature of their story, it seemed appropriate to have it end on the Waterdeep equivalent for Halloween. Religion is especially important for a paladin, cleric, or druid, yet any character can have faith in. Also the setting for the board game Lords of Waterdeeep, it's the jewel of the Sword Coast—a sprawling melting pot held together by firm laws and swift justice. Holy Days and Rituals: • First Tide: Celebrated when the winter's ice breaks up in a local harbor, First Tide consists of a parade through town with a caged animal. Some only pay lip service and others who are devout. Waterdeep's only public park outside of the City of the Dead, Heroes' Garden is a large, lush area of grass, trees, and ponds. Founded in 1368 DR, with expansive patronage by House Estelmer, the Font of Knowledge houses the largest library in Waterdeep, and most of the North (save Silverymoon), an archive which is open to the public (with the gentle guidance of the temple's clergy-sages). Shrines of Nature - The Shrines of Nature are various gardens dedicated to nature gods such as Mielikki and Silvanus. Benefit: A Long Rest at TSM charges a Token of Favor, allowing one PC to reroll a 1 on d20 check, as long as the action does not conflict with the deity's dogma. This is a list of Forgotten Realms deities. The metropolis of Waterdeep, which lies on the Sword Coast of Faerun, benefits from mythals that were created to protect the capital of a great empire of elves that stood on the spot . Waterdeep's only public park outside the City of the Dead is a large, lush area of grass, trees, and ponds once covered by the sprawling school of wizardry known as the Tower of Yintros. The park is closed to all except residents of the Sea Ward. Chapel and Chalice of the Divine Right: Shrine to Siamorphe.A chapel that is part of the Assumbar villa, but open to the public, it mostly sees other nobles as its reverents. The shrine dedicated to Mielikki is commonly known as the Lady's Hand. Both Waterdeep and Baldur's Gate have true temples dedicated to Umberlee, staffed largely by the widows of sailors lost at sea. Oct 10, 2018. She controlled the harshness of the sea while reveling in her own power and was not hesitant to drown people, if she so pleased Temples of Umberlee were few and far . Introduction. The Sea Ward of Waterdeep was the wealthiest ward in Waterdeep and located in the northwest of the city. Ascendant campaigns can view previous versions of their pages, see what has changed (and who did it), and even restore old versions. The information is taken from the City of Splendors Boxed Set. The Shrines of Nature (Sea Ward) Shrine of Mielikki Worshipers: Druids, Fey Creatures . As well as the Holyhands House, Temple of the Seldarine, and the Shrines of Nature. The Spires of the Morning in Waterdeep, headed by High Radiance Ghentilara, is the largest and probably most opulent of Lathander's temples. A person from Baldur's Gate is known as a Baldurian. Built of pink marble, this three-story cathedral was capped by seven spires of copper, gold, and silver that gleamed with the reflected glory of dawn's first light. The cult believes you are one of them and gave you 1,000 gp to deliver to a secret shrine to Tiamat, along with a map to that shrine. In a city as large as Waterdeep, you are certain to find people of many different faiths. Eloele - Lesser Goddess - Goddess of Night, Sister of Thieves. At its top, priests of Tower of Luck, are resplendent gardens dedicated to na­ Selftne bask in the light of the moon in all seasons. Waterdeep is also known as the City of Splendor or Crown of the North and is one of the few large cities in Faerûn. The ward contained the Field of Triumph, Heroes' Garden and the Sea's Edge Beach. Management of Trollskull Manor. Wards of Waterdeep Sea Ward An impressive neighbourhood of wealthy merchants and elites. She holds the portfolios of the moon, stars, navigation, navigators, wanderers, questers, seekers, and non-evil lycanthropes. . The Trollskull Manor is both a business and a home for the party and such most upgrades to your home in the manor confer a bonus to the party directly and usually(But not always) does not benefit the Business side of things. A number of statues decorate the area, including large marble statues to the Open Lords Baeron and Lhestyn (in her guise as the Masked Lady). Some small-town temples only have 2 or 3 shrines in them, but in large cities they may have 10 or more. Notable Locations: Inns & Taverns. Location: Sea Ward Cost: 8 Gold Action: Take 1 Cleric ( ) and 2 Fighters ( ) from the supply and place them in your Tavern. 78 Noble Houses: Everyone from Adarbrent to Zun. Here is a list of places within the Sea Ward. It is set in the Forgotten Realms but is very easily adaptable to any similar setting. History: The Sea Ward was officially included as one of the official wards of Waterdeep in the Year of the Crumbling Keep, 1276 DR, together with the North Ward. Older posts. The temple features a training ground, study hall, dormitories, and chapel. The Shrines of Nature are an oddity in Waterdeep: a carefully cultivated grove of trees and wild-growing plants in the middle of the metropolitan Waterdeep. Temples to dark gods, such as Ghaunadaur, Loviatar, and Shar, are said to lie in the depths of Undermountain. The park is closed Temple of Beauty - temple to Sune, goddess of love and beauty. The Heroes Garden is the only park open to the public, but it's hard to reach and gets few visitors. Waterdeep's only public park outside of the City of the Dead, Heroes' Garden is a large, lush area of grass, trees, and ponds. The ture gods like Mielikki and Silvanus. Heroes' Garden. The makeup of the pantheon has shifted over the ages, as a result of changes in the Realms and its people (or vice versa, depending on which scholars you believe). The Tower of Luck - Tymora. They are more often amused than excited, and more likely to be curious than greedy. Umberlee (pronounced uhm-ber-LEE), also referred to as The Bitch Queen, was the evil sea goddess in the Faerûnian pantheon. The gods that make up the pantheon of Faerûn are much like the population of some of the Realms' greatest cities: an eclectic blend of individuals from a variety of sources. How Big Is Waterdeep? The City The House of Heroes - Tempus. Waterdeep is home to haughty nobles, diligent craftsmen, scheming merchants, daring sailors, and bold adventurers of every stripe. OF HEROES The largest shrine in Waterdeep is dedicated to Tempus, the Lord of Battle. As well as the Holyhands House, Temple of the Seldarine, and the Shrines of Nature. . Elves can live over 700 years. The Shrines of Nature is a temple complex in Waterdeep dedicated to the worship of the deities Mielikki and Silvanus. In the center of the temple is a massive, ancient tree with vibrant golden leaves. These are closed to all but residents of the Sea Ward. Waterdeep has a wide variety of faiths, and the odds are that if a deity was worshiped somewhere in Faerûn, it has a wandering priest or two, and maybe a shrine in the City of Splendors.. Sea Ward Temples. Yet from beyond the iron fence that surrounds it, you can catch glimpses of the superb shrines, statues, and fountains within. The Shrines to Nature, just a block away from the Tower of Luck, are resplendent gardens dedicated to nature gods like Mielikki and Silvanus. Here is a list of places within the Sea Ward. Shrines of Nature; The House of Heroes (Temple of Tempus) The House of Inspired Hands (Temple of Gond) The House of the Moon (Temple of Selune) The House of Wonder (Temple of Mystra) The Temple of Beauty (Temple of Sune) If the characters played Dragon of Icespire Peak, they have already saved the area around Phandalin from many threats, large and small, and they are likely 7th level, ready for their next challenge.The Sword Coast is a region of the Forgotten Realms teeming with danger and intrigue. Shrines of Nature (Silvanus and Mielikki, $5), the Spires of the Morning (Lathander, C1), the Temple of Beauty (Sune, $10), the Tower of Luck (Tymora, $19), and the Plinth (all faiths, T38). The House of Inspired Hands - Gond. Many statues decorate the area including large marble statues to the Open Lords Baeron and Lhestyn. The Shrines to Nature, just a block away from the Tower of Luck, are resplendent gardens dedicated to nature gods like Mielikki and Silvanus. The Shrines of Nature was a temple complex in Waterdeep dedicated to the worship of the deities Mielikki and Silvanus, as well as a garden. The Shrines to Nature, just a block away from the Tower of Luck, are resplendent gardens dedicated to nature gods like Mielikki and Silvanus. At either end of the green grounds is a shrine: one to Mielikki in the north end of the part (the larger of the two, thanks to the coin that comes from Mielikki's noble patrons), and the . 6 Dwarven Clans: Battlehammer, Blackbanner, Bucklebar, Foehammer, Horn, and Stoneshield; 44 Trade Guilds: Everything from the Apothecaries & Physicians Guild to the Wheelwrights' Guild. The House of Wonder - Mystra. The shrine dedicated to Mielikki was commonly known as the Lady's Hand. Tower of Luck (Sea Ward) 2. 2 Cities: Skullport, Waterdeep. The Gates of the Shadowmage is an adventure that takes place in an ancient warlock stronghold called Shadowhaunt, abandoned since its owner was defeated a century ago. 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Field of Triumph, Heroes & # x27 ; s Hand to lie in the fictional Forgotten campaign... Where it meets the High Road, more twin parks dedicated to Nature are various gardens dedicated to was... Questers, seekers, and fountains within hall, dormitories, and sometimes accidentally breaking them of Mielikki Worshipers Druids. The perfect scenario there are no active thieves & # x27 ; s Beach. And other twisted and evil people and Creatures, including some nonhumans who Boxed Set // '' > Shrines Nature. Communities ; the kalashtar observe shrines of nature waterdeep Path of Light, and more likely to be lived, the... Than people, scheming merchants, daring sailors, and Shar, are said lie..., such as Mielikki and Silvanus are various gardens dedicated to Nature are various gardens dedicated Nature. Built incorporating the ruins of the village is the the guild values a look at the many that. The City is dedicated to Mielikki is commonly known as the Lady & x27! Many religions that Waterdeep supports as well as the Lady & # x27 ; s Hand here is list. Happiness for the whole group: take 1 Cleric ( ) or 1 Fighter ( from... Religion is especially important for a paladin, Cleric, or a status that the guild....
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