The Eastern Front enabled Germany to stay in the war but once they had failed to defeat the Soviet Union within 500 miles and within a couple of months from the launch of BARBAROSSA, the chances of them winning the war were now very limited despite the victories of the following spring and summer and despite other brief upsurges in fortunes. Could the UK have defeated Germany alone? - Far, close ... A contested topic with many arguments. The Soviet Union The History has 25 million Russians dieing in WW2, in a fight alone, the Soviet Union would have suffered far higher casualties. No…not a chance. Invasion of the Soviet Union, June 1941. Could Germany Have Defeated the Soviet Union (Economically ... Not only did Stalin’s Soviet Union play the key role in crushing Nazi Germany, its huge sacrifices saved the lives of countless American, British and Canadian soldiers. If Americans overthrew Castro it would be seen as another defeat of communism Soviet union could have fired missiles from soviet union but politically it made more of a difference to Kennedy Kennedys thoughts: A few months later, the German ambassador to Moscow, Wilhelm von Mirbach, was shot dead by Russian Left Socialist-Revolutionaries in an attempt to incite a new war … Could Nazi Germany have defeated Soviet Russia under *any ... “The Soviets beat 607 German divisions. The Treaty of Rapallo between Weimar Germany and Soviet Russia was signed by German Foreign Minister Walther Rathenau and his Soviet colleague Georgy Chicherin on April 16, 1922, during the Genoa Economic Conference, annulling all mutual claims, restoring full diplomatic rel… THE SOVIET UNION DEFEATED GERMANY IN WORLD WAR II – NOT THE WESTERN FORCES. Jul 2020. What if Hitler Had Defeated the Soviet Union? But perhaps the Soviet Union was just too much for them. WWII: The US defeated Japan and the USSR defeated Germany ... It was the same story with tanks, where 6,000 made in Germany each year had to face the same number produced annually in Britain and the Dominions, and three times as many in the Soviet Union. (1) Stalin would have unleashed an overwhelmingly strong RKKA into Hitler's rear had Germany focused on invading the UK at some point in 1942-45. But when we look at the details behind the war, we reach a conclusive answer. German–Soviet Union relations date to the aftermath of the First World War.The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, dictated by Germany ended hostilities between Russia and Germany; it was signed on March 3, 1918. Could the Soviet Union have defeated Nazi Germany without the help of the British and United States? Define “defeat.” Define “Germany” and “the USSR.” In the real world, countries go to war for reasons, not to see if they can win. Any consideration... The Soviet Union alone indeed could have won World War II, but would have done it at a much slower pace, believes British historian Professor Geoffrey Roberts. Nazi political doctrine made political defeat of the Soviet Union virtually impossible particularly when there was no political movement competing within the Soviet system. Stalin might have wanted at times to take over eastern Europe and Germany, but he knew he didn't have the ability to do that. STALIN’S SOVIET UNION DEFEATED GERMANY – WE SHOULD NOT FORGET. In the last year of the war in Europe, two powerful forces closed in on Germany from the east and west. By all rights, Nazi Germany should have been able to defeat the Soviet Union, but that's not what they aimed to do. They attempted to annihilate th... Dec 10, 2021. Your question is pretty vague and could cover several different scenarios: * WW2 as we know it, without any cooperation between the allies. He watched a youtube video He is college educated. Yes they could have. But unlike any other time in history, the spring of 1945 saw millions of combat-experienced, battle-hardened American and Soviet ground … In essence, Herwig’s pursuit of a logical sequel to a 1941 German victory over the Soviet Union ultimately led him to a scenario not far removed from reality. In his estimation, the success of the Manhattan Project made it impossible for Germany to win World War II, no matter how quick or sweeping its success in the field. “They saved the world and its civilisation and at the time there was no force other than the Soviets that could have defeated the Nazis. Hitler’s wish, to strike everywhere, could have been influenced too because of his desire to spread as much death and destruction to the Soviet Union as possible, which he believed was the homeland of “Jewish Bolshevism” Why Nazi Germany Failed to Defeat the Soviet Union? Share this entry. Without Baku oil, the Soviet Union could not have defeated fascism. The Führer was so blinded by his ambition that he never evaluated the situation when it came to attacking the Soviet Union in the first place. We have discussed on this board that Leningrad and Stalingrad were such close things, that Germany could have won the war in the East as is. The Japanese made the fatal mistake at Midway and lost their war in 1941. While the Wehrmacht was about to get thrashed in the Soviet Union, it could have stage-managed that into a negotiated settlement if it had chosen to. ... could Germany have launched a D-Day style invasion against Britain successfully. Judging from the size of the country, its manpower , and resources, I feel that it was immpossible for Germany to defeat the Soviet Union in a single short campaign , but it could have defeated the Soviet Union had it prepared for a longer conflict by putting industry on a war time footing, building an effective long range bomber force,not declaring war on America, … While the Wehrmacht was about to get thrashed in the Soviet Union, it could have stage-managed that into a negotiated settlement if it had chosen to. By focusing from the very start develop strategic bombing capability, as well as land warfare that focused on denying logistics to the enemy. (The Allies were the countries fighting … An interview in which a Soviet commander admitted how close Moscow came to defeat by Germany during the Second World War has been broadcast in Russia for the first time. For this scenario, let's say that Italy, Japan, USSR, and the USA all remain natural after the fall of France. (Question: Could the Soviet Union have defeated the Germans without U.S. Support or Lend Lease?) Could the Soviet Union have defeated Nazi Germany without the help of the British and United States? Actually, the realty is that the Wehrmacht could have soundly defeated the Soviet Union in 1941-42, have Stalin and his main henchmen executed in the Red Square, and kept control of the country, annexing great part of it after which Germany could turn … In theory yes, anything is possible. But how they could have defeated the USSR is a very silly thing to argue over in my opinion. Because how the U... Imagining that he did in 1941 was wishful thinking indeed. No, the war in the Eastern USSR would likely have stalemated into a bloody mess without US support or Lend Lease. “The Soviet Union could have defeated Nazi Germany on its own, but it would have taken it a lot longer and … Photo: Museum of … Probably the West would have made a better choice to negotiate with Germany a peace, restoring for example entirely the pre-1938 borders and starting a democratic process or at least strictly controlling Nazi rearmament, and to ally against the Russian threat. I was discussing World War II with a chum, who holds the opinion that the Soviet Union would have been able to beat Germany without the aid of the Western Allies–except, instead of being a six-year war, it would have been a very long war of attrition. If you are asking wether the British alone could totally defeat the German armies and enter Berlin, the answer would be: absolutely not . No, Nazi Germany never could have. But a non-Nazi Germany with the same resources? Would have destroyed the USSR in 1941. What do I mean by this? T... Stalin's purges and police had seen to that. Yup, Germany could defeat the USSR. Only Hitler was an idiot. In realities of 1941 it was easy to just arm Ukrainians and target them at the USSR.... The Germans couldn't afford the losses in men and material (Germans were not on full war time production footing.) Look what Soviet Union did. Hitler’s refusal to admit defeat led to massive destruction of German infrastructure and additional war-related deaths in the closing months of the war. RT interviews British historian Professor Geoffrey Roberts (RIA Novosti / Shimansky) © RIA Novosti. In summary, could Germany defeat the USSR? Topic: Could Germany have defeated Russia? June 19th, 2017 Hutchie . From my understanding, war with the Soviet Union was always the prime fight planned from the start. Germany could have defeated the Soviet Union, but in only by instigating a general collapse of the Soviet political superstructure. Actually, the realty is that the Wehrmacht could have soundly defeated the Soviet Union in 1941-42, have Stalin and his main henchmen executed in the Red Square, and kept control of the country, annexing great part of it after which Germany could turn … Why or why not? - Khrushchev may have also have wanted to pout missiles in Cuba because he feared another American attack. Historic events are facts that should not be manipulated according to the latest political fashions. Not a chance. The Nazi's and the Soviets were fighting for the annihilation of the other nation. As pointed out by Brandon Li [ https://www.quora.c... Why Germany Failed to Beat the Soviet Union. IF is bad word when it comes to history. That said, nazis did a huge mistake, when they attacked the Soviet Union. Even one vs one, I don’t think i... Hitler thought he was being deceitful by attacking the Soviet Union out of the blue, but Stalin proved him wrong and managed to turn the invasion to his advantage. Soviet Ukraine bore the brunt of the war, losing some 5 million soldiers and 6 million civilians – roughly half of total Soviet losses. The fact that Germany decided to attack the Soviet Union before Britain also saved the British. Germany could have possibly defeated the USSR by not attacking France and England, keeping the second World War in Europe rather than the West. ... Flip side of that question is could Russia have defeated the Nazis without help from the US industrial machine? Soon after the invasion, mobile killing units began the mass murder of Soviet Jews. Once he's gone, I think there's a good chance the whole edifice comes crumbling down. July 22, 2021 / in Samples / by Frank Main. Moscow, had the Germans managed to get there, would have become … One was the Red Army, the army of the Soviet Union (present-day Russia, one of the eastern Allies). They failed to defeat Finland and were losing badly to the Nazis. If the Soviet Union has won the Polish-Soviet War [1920], it would roll further to join simmering communist revolutions in Germany and further West. Hitler and the Germans had no plan to actually invade the UK or the ability to do so. That doesn’t, however, mean that the efforts of the Western Allies weren’t vital as well. It depends on what you mean by the term “winning”. This was a shameless lie and distortion of the facts. The allies destroyed 176,” said Georgy Kumanyov, a leading Russian historian. Folly of War – By Shane Quinn Actually, the realty is that the Wehrmacht could have soundly defeated the Soviet Union in 1941-42, have Stalin and his main henchmen executed in the Red Square, and kept control of the country, annexing great part of it after which Germany could turn … President Donald Trump claimed last week that the US and Britain had won World War II. In essence, Herwig’s pursuit of a logical sequel to a 1941 German victory over the Soviet Union ultimately led him to a scenario not far removed from reality. Historically, Germany already outproduced the USSR in certain areas like locomotives, trucks, and even bombers, with 12,664 produced by Germany in the years 1941–1943 as compared to 11,359 built by the USSR.170 Without Allied intervention and Lend-Lease, Soviet margins in these areas would most likely have widened, while margins in areas … 13 May 2020 in 21:00 By Vestnik Kavkaza. Don't think so. Understrength German units had almost no gasoline and were low on ammunition, tanks and artillery. Germany would still be defeated as in our time line as the British blockade and the severe lack of oil would still plauge the wermacht and the Soviets would still have an enormous advantage in industrial production and in terms of firepower even without Lend-Lease . At the same time, 67 percent of respondents said they were sure that the Soviet people could have repelled the Nazi aggression without any outside help. STALIN’S SOVIET UNION DEFEATED GERMANY – WE SHOULD NOT FORGET. Success wasn't exactly favouring the Red Army in the early going. Just as much, we have totally ignored the huge Soviet contribution to the war in the Pacific Theater. Actually, the realty is that the Wehrmacht could have soundly defeated the Soviet Union in 1941-42, have Stalin and his main henchmen executed in the Red Square, and kept control of the country, annexing great part of it after which Germany could turn … Operation Barbarossa And Germany's Failure In The Soviet Union NAZI GERMANY AND THE SOVIET UNION In August 1939, as Europe slid towards another world war, Germany and the Soviet Union signed a non-aggression treaty. He was concerned instead with keeping things under control in the enormous land mass that represented the Soviet Union. Nope, no way in hell. The Soviet Union’s heroic capacity for resistance could be expected to present the United States with challenges that dwarfed those she had been required to meet during the Second World War. When the Soviet Union collapsed it was revealed that the Stavka had ordered a general retreat after the failed Red Army Spring Offensive of 1942 so my personal view is not only could the Wehrmacht have defeated the Red Army in the summer of 1942 but in fact they SHOULD have defeated the Red Army with Case Blue. The Soviet Union Did NOT Defeat Germany in World War 2. However, given the priority which Hitler attached to occupying large industrial areas of the USSR, destroying every last Red Army formation in the German Army's path, besieging/razing to the ground entire Soviet cities, and exterminating whole civilian populations a military defeat of the Soviet Union was not achieveable. Sure, it’s “possible” that without any Allied support, the Soviet Union might have eventually defeated Nazi Germany in a one-on-one fight, as today’s Russian nationalists and useful idiots in the West claim, in spite of the majority of historians, contemporary accounts and data from the period all saying otherwise. * Nazi Germany fighting the Soviet Union without any external allies or interference. Originally Answered: Could Britain possibly have defeated Germany during World War Two had the U.S. and Soviet Union both remained neutral? Why Germany Failed to Beat the Soviet Union. About as much of a chance as Japan would have had invading the USA. The Germans could have occupied the western Iran border region, but moving forces beyond that would have been difficult. Tags: history, paper help. Twenty-seven percent answered that in their opinion the Red Army would have been defeated without the allies’ aid. When Americans, British and Canadians landed at Normandy in June, 1944, they met German forces that had been shattered on the Eastern Front and bled white. Germany’s plan was to push them out of mainland Europe and bomb them to terms. Photo: Museum of … While many historians view the German invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 as Hitler’s biggest blunder, evidence from Soviet archives uncovered following the Soviet collapse in 1991 suggests it was successful in preventing a Soviet invasion of Poland and Romania, which had been planned for July 1941. Not only did Stalin’s Soviet Union play the key role in crushing Nazi Germany, its huge sacrifices saved the lives of countless American, British and Canadian soldiers. It was churlish for western leaders to boycott this week’s Victory Parade in Moscow that commemorated the Soviet Union’s defeat of Nazi Germany 70 years ago. Despite all their tactical successes early in Barbarossa, Germany never came close to eliminating the huge Red Army in the field or the Soviet Union's means of production. Culver City , Ca. In both cases, the counterfactual promise of German victory depends on the idea that the fall of Moscow would somehow have led to the collapse of the Soviet state. When the Soviet Union collapsed it was revealed that the Stavka had ordered a general retreat after the failed Red Army Spring Offensive of 1942 so my personal view is not only could the Wehrmacht have defeated the Red Army in the summer of 1942 but in fact they SHOULD have defeated the Red Army with Case Blue. Just as much, we have totally ignored the huge Soviet contribution to the war in the Pacific Theater. After the Allied invasion of France, Germany was conquered by the Soviet Union from the east and the other Allies from the west, and capitulated in May 1945. Germany almost beat the Soviet Union with 40% of their resources directed elsewhere. Such oversights brought him only defeat. Posted December 5, 2016 (edited) IIRC, the Soviet union sent a message to Germany, during the peak of operation Barbarossa, saying it would give up land in Ukraine if the fighting stopped. Maxim Zmeyev/Reuters. It is unclear whether you mean under some sort of alternative history, such as British neutrality or the US not entering the European war, or not b... Report post. The Russian tanks and planes that came online and the strategy that the Axis powers used indicates that the Soviets could have prevailed alone. Let’s start by looking at Khalkin Gol and the dates of Molotov-Ribbentropp pact tells the tale: Battle of Khalkin Gol as USSR vs Japanese starts in east asia at 11 May. ... Flip side of that question is could Russia have defeated the Nazis without help from the US industrial machine? Stalin simply could not have abided being alone on the continent with a German superpower controlling all of Europe (inc. UK) and largely invulnerable from any attack. Knocking the USSR out of the war in the same way Germany had knocked France out of the war was almost impossible given geographic reality. #2. frogsofwar said: Most recent scholarship on the European Theater concludes that the Soviet Union did the lions share of the work in defeating Germany. If they played it right they could go all the way to Spain, and at least the communist paradise would be established where Marx planned it. Britain and the Soviet Union would likely have responded to a German intervention in support of the new Iraqi government by staging an unprovoked invasion of Iraq just as they did in actual history in September 1941. ... could Germany have launched a D-Day style invasion against Britain successfully. The Soviet Union became an Allied country when it was invaded by Germany on June 22, 1941. Actually, the reaility is that the Wehrmacht could have soundly defeated the Soviet Union in 1941-42, have Stalin and his main henchmen executed in the Red Square, and kept control of the country, Absolutely, yes! Books about the war have been written, "explaining" why Germany did not/could not defeat the Soviet Union... (Obviously, because we arent speaking German right now lol) Edited December 5, 2016. Even if we imagine that Germany could have somehow engaged the Soviet Union bypassing European countries therebetween, it wasn't the German invasion of European countries that tilted the scale towards the Soviet Union. The fact that Germany decided to attack the Soviet Union before Britain also saved the British. Many Americans and Canadians like to believe their nations won the war in Europe and give insufficient recognition … Not only did Stalin’s Soviet Union play the key role in crushing Nazi Germany, its huge sacrifices saved the lives of countless American, British and Canadian soldiers. Were it not for the USSR’s victory, Nazi Germany might be alive and well today. However, it was denied. American and Soviet pilots pose in front of a Bell P-39 Airacobra, supplied to the Soviet Union under the Lend-Lease program. Large armies with no food for their stomach, no ammunition for weapons and no fuel for vehicles, cannot fight. How? Germany made a serious mistake by invading the Soviet Union on its own when it could have coordinated with Japan and forced the Soviets to fight on two fronts. The Nazis could have defeated the Soviet Union is WW2 had they mobilized their forces earlier in 1941 to deliver a decisive and fatal blow before the onset of winter. However; what if history turned out differently? Why or why not? The USSR would have easily still defeated the Nazis just due to their manpower if the Axis did somehow mythically stop Britain and occupied it they would have to be spending so many resources while also still fuelling a war effort against the USSR which not only would Nazi occupation of Soviet Soil be extremely hard to maintain due to a early form of Guerrilla warfare … Stalin’s Soviet Union Defeated Germany – We Should Not Forget. Among the diploma-decorated dick-heads of western quackademia, the "consensus" is that it was the Soviet Union which defeated Germany in World War II -- with the contributions of the United States and the United Kingdom being relatively minor. On June 22, 1941, Germany launched its attack on the Soviet Union. On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany launched a surprise attack against the Soviet Union, its ally in the war against Poland. Historic events are facts that should not be manipulated according to the latest political fashions. Churchill Immediately Starts World War III. 10,293. Actually, the realty is that the Wehrmacht could have soundly defeated the Soviet Union in 1941-42, have Stalin and his main henchmen executed in the Red Square, and kept control of the country, annexing great part of it after which Germany could turn … In our timeline Germany was defeated when the three main powers of the USA, the USSR, and the UK teamed up to create the allied powers. A German-Turkish non-aggression pact was reached, but when the same sort of pact was violated by Germany with the attack on the Soviet Union, a foray into Iraq became a pipedream for Hitler. Today, however, we have chosen to forget who really won the war in Europe. When I was a child I would always debate this question with my teacher. I invented crazy and elaborate methods as to how the Germans could have won... The German ability to have a Manhattan Project of its own would have been much different, however, if Germany had conquered the Soviet Union, if it had been able to work in peace and secrecy in the Ural Mountains, probably in the place where Stalin built the first Soviet bomb between 1945 and 1949. The only way to do this would be to get rid of Stalin. American and Soviet pilots pose in front of a Bell P-39 Airacobra, supplied to the Soviet Union under the Lend-Lease program. The Soviet Union would have likely still defeated Germany, but it would have taken considerably longer. The other was the combined army of the western Allies, the United States and Britain. The Nazi-Soviet Pact came as a complete surprise to other nations, given the ideological differences between the two countries. xsTe, QGtH, XXlhP, wQQyTl, WiYpy, TCn, ZczJo, YmdyBBF, MVjaNz, bcY, OqjW,
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